jQuery Core Team Meeting – Mar 14 2011

Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

  • 1.5.2 Blocker Status

    • Delayed discussion until next week
  • jQuery 1.6 Roadmap

    • https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AuWerG7Xqt-8dDcwNUlSaWltOWJrNE5tOUlIbkVJbGc&hl=en&authkey=CIjOo7UK#gid=0

    • Be sure to land this in branches

      1. Will be pulled into core after 1.5.2 is out
    • A: Solid agreement, with owner or pull request:

      1. 2 (danheberden, jaubourg): Have .animate() implement a deferred object
      2. 5 (jaubourg): Do support tests in an iframe document (or maybe use false body element)
      3. 10 (dmethvin): Optimize RegExp used for innerHTML shortcut (#6782, pull 248)
      4. 13 (john): Add :focus to Sizzle
      5. 14 (rwaldron): Allow properties to be passed in to $.Event() constructor
      6. 15 (dmethvin): Perf improvements for .data() events
      7. 16 (danheberden): Optimize validation in parseJSON
      8. 17 (rwaldron): Fix event firing order
      9. 20 (dmethvin): Attach data cache directly to element
      10. 21 (dmethvin): Refactor jQuery.event.trigger/handle
      11. 22 (dmethvin): Issue with triggering of focusin – may be fixed by pull 260, need to check with Joern who reported a problem i couldn’t repro
      12. 23 (timmywil): Allow .is(), .find(), and .closest() to accept nodes
      13. 31 (lrbabe and/or gnarf and/or jaubourg): Synchronize animations based upon start time (Thunderdome!)
      14. 34 (john): attrHooks
      15. 36 (lrbabe): Use requestAnimationFrame *Special attention to optimizing size
      16. 38 (danheberden): $.map() working on objects
      17. 39 (rwaldron): .undelegate() doesn’t work on custom namespaced events
      18. 42 (timmywil): .closest() fails on disconnected nodes
      19. 45 (john): Make .width() work correctly for inputs
      20. 46 (john): jQuery throwing error on replaceWith
      21. 51 (ajpiano): Support relative values for .css()
      22. 52 (gf3, cowboy): Add Function.prototype.bind() support to jQuery.proxy
    • Good, but requires more discussion for potential 1.6 inclusion:

      1. 3 (jaubourg): Add chaining to promisHes
      2. 7: Solution for HTML 5 in IE
      3. 25 (timmywil): Add .valHooks
    • Tabled until 1.7:

      1. 6: Expose the data conversion interface from $.ajax()
      2. 11: Comprehensive and official support of file:
      3. 37: Use the same event object when bubbling native events, or preserve data relative to the event.
    • How was the decision made:

      1. Virtually all green = Solid Agreement
      2. Majority green = Mixed agreement
      3. Majority red / little green = Rejected