Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Time: Noon ET
Official Agenda:
1.5.1 Post mortem
- Went well!
1.5.2 Status
Blockers (none at the moment):
http://bugs.jquery.com/report/77Possible blockers:
.is(“div”) on disconnected nodes:
Special events are not being cloned properly
try/catch in resolveWith
Issues with focusin/focusout
- Joern says: “The fix that was in 1.4.4 was reverted in 1.5.x and now breaks things in the validation plugin testsuite. It seems to be mostly an issue when trying to trigger focusin on the target element, but is hard to pinpoint.”
Possible release date
End of March.
1.6 Feature Proposal Discussion
- https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AuWerG7Xqt-8dDcwNUlSaWltOWJrNE5tOUlIbkVJbGc&hl=en&authkey=CIjOo7UK
- Todo: Pull in highly voted feature requests from the Tracker to the spreadsheet
- We’re shooting for a beta release of 1.6 mid-April (jQuery Conference)