Recent Progress
- Todd: created a wiki page gathering ThemeRoller rewrite status and forward-looking requirements and needed changes, ideally to support 1.9 and looking ahead to mobile+swatches
- Dan: Added an index page at
- Some progress on widget factory documentation at
- Joern: did some a11y testing with Hans on Tooltip. Open IE issue documented on
- Scott G: Add a link on developer links section of for jquery-ui.git
- Adam: Update tests for Tooltip
- All: Write demos and docs for Tooltip see TODO section at top
- Corey: Start figuring out how to document effects using new XML format
- Themeroller refactor: Need to identify scope and requirements. Need a project lead
- Scott G: remove the queuing logic in tabs which is blocking 1.9m5
- Adam and Corey: start helping more with the pull request queue, esp. as Scott is focused on 1.9m5
- All: We need more sponsors for the ARIA Hackathon planned for July
- All: Meet after 3pm today if you can help clear Pull Request queue for 1.8.13
- Scott G: Do 1.8.13 release after today
Still open
- Ralph: move build checklists to wiki
- Richard: create a wiki page for new docs XML and XSLT effort
- Scott G: ping JD about Jenkins-TestSwarm plugin
- Dan: Hotlinking issue with Themeswitcher
- Dan: See if we should move
- Adam: Finish widget factory documentation update at
- Download builder rewrite: Waiting for front-end and back-end teams to have a planning meeting