link September 18 2012 Meeting Notes
Rick Hudson (RH), John Neumann (JN), Mark Miller (MM), Norbert Lindenberg (NL), Nebojsa Ciric (NC), Allen Wirfs-Brock (AWB), Istvan Sebastian (IS), Luke Hoban (LH), Paul Leathers (PB), Sam Tobin-Hochstadt (STH), Andreas Rossberg (ARB), Brendan Eich (BE), Erik Arvidsson (EA), Dave Herman (DH), Yehuda Katz (YK), Rick Waldron (RW), Eric Ferraiuolo (EF), Matt Sweeney (MS), Doug Crockford (DC)
Introductions. Brief Agenda tweaks
RW: Confirm that Internationalization spec is available, per last meeting
NL: Internationalization specs are available on the Wiki
AWB: Start with Internationalization
IS: We need two products: The spec and a technical report (via test suite)
JN: Would like Internationalization tests to be included with test262
AWB: Finalize by June
link Internationalization
(Presented by Norbert Lindenberg, Mozilla)
link Review and Approve Final Draft of Internationalization API Specification
NL: Final draft following major discussion in May and tweaks from July.
Primary change is to Require Normalization By Default
DH: Is this a performance issue? Should we leave it to the lib authors
AWB: Why do we assume lib authors will write wrappers.
YK: Because we have no evidence to the contrary
LH: That implies a judgement about design...
RW: Spec APIs are not bad, they often require simplification for wide acceptance and use.
Discussion returns to whether or not Normalization is required by the specification or if it is implementation independant.
Agreement that generally there should be no "optional" implementation details. Conformance should be explicitly normative.
NL: Note about ES5 assumptions that a string has been normalized before parsed.
NL: Three options to support or ignore:
- Normalization
- Lowercase to Uppercase first
- Numeric sorting
link Don't Use Year 0 in Date/Time Formatting
2 AD, 1 AD, 1 BC, 2 BC
Discussion and explanation
YK: Ruby has a year 0
AWB: Fundamentally Date/Time objects are ms mapped to some external designator, would there be any impact?
Decision: Date calculations will remain as is; but dates before 1AD will be adjusted in localized formatting (Date.prototype.toLocaleString, Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.format) to reflect no year 0.
link Conformance Tests
NL: 137 tests, reaches almost all algorithms, coverage is still thin, draft test report
LH: These have been effective in identifying bugs in Chakra prototype implementation
link Implementor's Report
NC: Chrome/v8 has Intl
namespace and the implementation is working towards passing the conformance tests with ~20 failures. Some tests not yet implemented. Google internal use
AWB: What is the feedback?
NC: Mostly migration based discussion for the time being. There was a previously a [Localization] API.
AWB: Issues with name conflict? Wouldn't know if it was prefixed.
NC: Will be removing the prefix
DH/YK/STH: Discussion about globals, as they apply to the future with modules. import foo from ... will reduce naming conflict overall.
(Microsoft) LH: Currently passing 100/137 of conformance tests. Dont have direct user feedback. No one is actively using the prototype.
RW: Is there any communication between implementors?
NC/LH: Only via es-discuss
(Mozilla) NL: Prototyped in SpiderMonkey. Uses ICU for comparison, formatting and feature detection. JS/C++ for implementation, Unicode extensions not yet supported. Passing 128/137.
link Approvals
NL: Final change, move to year 0.
AWB: Need to address the "optional" spec issues.
DH: Not that leaving things unspec is evil, we should just be conservative.
RW: For the sake of clarity there should be a specific list,(via notes?) of "optional" implementation details.
DH: Agree, similar to the history of strict mode list
LH: This can be produced off-line
AWB: In the form of an Annex
DH/LH/AWB: (Discussion about implementation limitations)
Summary Produce Annex that outlines a list of all optional implementation details. Include a rationale for each item that describes strong reasoning for optional implementations.
link Annex
All Functionality
- Supported Locales
- Default Locale
- Supported subset of unicode
- Best fit matcher for locales
- Supported Unicode Extenion values per locale
- Additional values per conformance clause
- Adherence to unicode collaiton algorithm
- Support for unicode extenions keys kf, kk, kn and parallel options caseFirst, normalization, numeric
- localized sort orders
- Default search sensitivity per locale
- Support for numbering systems
- Implementation of non-decimal numbering systems
- Localized decimal & grouping separators, representation of negative numbers, percent sign
- Localization grouping
- Localized concurrency symbols and names
- Supported data/time formats per locale beyond core set
- Best fit matcher for formats
- Supported Calendars
- Support for numbering systems
- Localized format patterns, weekday names, month names, era names, am/pm, time zone names
BE: Similar to the underspecified portions of Date
LH: Of course, we'll work together to be as consistent as possible.
link Approval of Intl
JN: If there are no objections, we will forward this document specification, ECMA-402 to the CC & General Assembly for final approval.
...No objection.
JN: With the final modifcations, this document will be submitted to the CC & GA for final approval. NL and NC to produce a list for an Annex of optional details.
JN: Any desire for ISO fast tracking?
(Discussion re: ISO benefits.)
link Conclusion/Resolution
ECMA-402 Approved for submission to ECMA CC & GA
ISO fasttrack postoned (with the limited time frame of 2 months notice prior to presentation the GA, approx Oct 10, 12?)
link Intl 2nd Edition
NL: There is a need to continue work, towards a 2nd edition
JN: Agenda item for Nov.
IS: Need to determine scope and scale of needed changes.
link Conclusion/Resolution
Agenda item for November 2012 to entertain a proposal.
link Parallel JavaScript
(Presented by Rick Hudson, Intel)
link River Trail (Intel)
-, callback) // for an n-dimensional array
- elementalFunction (element, index, source)
- (need slides?)
DH: Not sure that the level of technical detail is yet appropriate (from the perspective of an implementor)
YK: Gratuitous API changes should be avoid
RH: Intentionally avoided using the |thisArg|, think it's complete unnecessary and exists for legacy purpose.
DH: Absolutely not the case and is very important.
RW: For example, when you have a constructor that has properties [[Put]] via map, |thisArg| allows setting the context within the callback to the constructor itself.
DH: This needs to be taken offline, away from the committee.
Examples of Map
LH/DH: (Discussion of explanation of River Trail semantics and the use cases)
LH: Is it the claim of this proposal to follow the ECMA 262 Semantics.
DH: Yes, up to the issue of floating point non-determinism
LH: Which means an engine cannot detect... (lost)
RH: We do rely on the programmer to know that they need to write an associative and commutative function. Tools can be provided to help.
LH: Worried about implicitly saying that a function does not match what ECMA 262 says it will mean.
DH: (Clarifies that it's just JavaScript)
BE: Parallelization can be painfully slow
YK: If it's straight forward, then why not specify how Parallelization is accomplished
DH/BE: Too early to attempt to specify Parallelization detection.
Lengthy discussion of Parallelization "mode" switching semantics... Devolved. Ended abruptly when no progress was made.
- Mixing 1D and 2D operations requires an understanding of shape
- Shape determined at construction
- Accessors to non leaf elements of ParallelArrays will return a fresh ParallelArray
- References semantics for === remains consistent
Between the two:
- pa[2] === pa[2] true for only 1D ParallelArrays
- pa[2] === pa[2] always false when shape is > 1
LH: Asks for explanation...
DH: Will fill in blanks offline
AWB: Are there any other efforts that are developing competing specifications?
RH: Not exactly, but WebCL(Kronos?) is similar in the application they are trying to address.
DH: A different name?
BE: Vector?
DH: Also, the world will hate us for creating a new Array-like.
RW: Only a problem when creating constructors that produce objects with numeric indices and a length property and no Array proto API.
DH: Which it does.
RW: Then it will be a problem.
MM: The proliferation of Array-like things is unfortunate
RW: And ES6 reduces that pain by effectively eliminating arguments via rest and Array.from()
DH: There was also the idea of having parallel-specific methods.
Derailed to Array-like API issues on the whole... When to implement array API and when not. Why and why not...
link Conclusion/Resolution
Further research and offline discussion.
link Define Properties Operator ":="
(Presented by Allen Wirfs-Brock, Mozilla)
Introduction, rationale as published:
DH/AWB/RW: (discussion) Object.define, Object.put
RW: Have research and supporting cases from jQuery, Dojo, YUI, Node core, Underscore... Always exists an approximation of "merging" or "extending"
AWB: We should strive to fix the future and correct developers thinking about "define" and "assign"
LH: That's a dangerous scenario to put developers in, where they have to think about assignment vs definition.
RW: The newly created dom node case, for batch property assignment (originally brought forth by Doug) is the second most important use-case, but implicit define will pave innerHTML (or any dom node properties)
DH: Shouldn't create syntax for the less common operation.
MM: Agreed.
AWB: But there is no way to:
- Batch define class-side properties
- Batch define constructor properties
- Batch define instance properties
YK: Nothing for static properties in classes yet anyway
MM: But not sure we need any syntax yet. If there was a lot of precedent for batch define, in the same way there is for assign/put, then it would make sense, but there is very little userland history for define
RW: Agreed, assign/put is a cow-highway to pave, but user code has barely begun to include regular use of definePropert(y|ies)
MM: (comments about private name access concerns)
LH: Long term, we're going to have to consider features that are allowed to move private state.
DH: Essentially, you'd need inside access and list private items.
Discussion about side channel access via newly defined properties that were never expected on the object.
Discussion about the needs of Private Names, Unique Names and WeakMaps.
BE: People want Private Names as much as they want Unique Names
YK: Can we tell people to use Unique Name when they want copyable and Private Name when not.
BE: I thought of this earlier, but wasn't sure, but it could work
AWB: ...
MM: Given ES6, remove the copying of private names, allow copying unique names: Can this be written as library code?
DH/YK/RW: Devs want Object.define which is Object.defineProperties Object.assign() or Object.put() (these are the same, just different names)
Extensive discussion around whether or not Object.define()
Extensive discussion around whether or not Object.assign()
Derailed due to concise method's making non-enumerables, which means they won't copy if the rule disallows copying.
...Revisit "Concise Method Definition" (add anchor)
Object.define( target, source )
- All own properties of source
- plain object descriptor map is copied
- private names are not copied
- unique names are copied
- super mechanism (rebind super)
Object.assign( target, source )
- Only enumerable own properties of source
- Invoke [[Get]] on property list derived from source, for each property in list [[Put]] on target
- private names are not copied
- unique names are copied
- super mechanism (rebind super)... AWB To determine needs
- Returns modified "target"
DH, MM, AWB: Object.assign a well worn enough cow-path to be worth paving. Object.define isn't, and so should only be standardized after libraries have explored the space.
link Conclusion/Resolution
Accept Object.assign into ES6, but postpone Object.define (or something like it) to discussion of future versions.
Reference materials and use cases:
(** The inclusion of variable length sources is imperative to match real world patterns found in the most ubiquitous JS libraries)
link Concise Method Definition, Revisited
RW: Defaulting concise methods to non-enumerable is a mistake
DH: Not sure about the decision to go non-enumerable. Users expect that things they create to be enumerable and things that the platform provides to be non-enumerable.
LH: enumerability is not a real concept with any sort of meaning.
EA: (reveals the broken-ness of the DOM)
No longer arguable.
link Conclusion/Resolution
Concise method definitions create [[Enumerable]]: true
link Scoping of the Top Level
link var and the window.prototype issue
var indexedDB = window.msIndexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.indexedDB;
Issue with WebIDL change.
link let, const, module, class
Global scope contours
AWB: propose extra global contour, shared across all scripts, for new binding forms, to avoid colliding with Window object
others skeptical of complexity of new scoping model for globals
link Conclusion/Resolution
continued on second day, resolved then