jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jul 17 2013

  • AMD
  • Bower *Talk to Dan about ownership transfer for UI
    • Need to update release process to tag @VERSION replacements

  • Drop-in widgets for Mobile
    • No Mobile-specific code should be required to add a 3rd party widget Alex and Scott working on this
  • Icons
    • Grunticon Landed in Mobile
    • How do we handle icon deprecation? Need to figure out how to transition to new icons in UI
  • Topcoat

  • download builder
    • finishing support for 1.11 release

  • Ticket triage
    • 1 pending tickets +1
    • 360 tickets total +6
    • 38 pull requests +3
  • Selectmenu
    • Land in master or refactor based on mobile? Land in master asap, after another review from at least Scott
  • CLDR
  • Rafael investigated locale and content differences from Globalize Rafael to get back to this after AMD PR
  • Need to figure out how to handle currency and calendar differences
  • https://github.com/jquery/globalize/issues/128#issuecomment-20612730
  • Datepicker
    • No more jquery.tmpl
    • TJ working on fixing multi-month next