Attending: DaveMethvin, orkel, gibson042, timmywil
link Jenkins/testswarm status
- Browserstack fixed their IE9 issue (thanks Krinkle)
- boxSizingReliable patch to make FF stop complaining (orkel has a pull)
- "order" (orkel to remove the unit test since it's browser-specific)
- oldIE tests fail but only on swarm (check with testing team)
- Let's get to where we can trust the unit tests in Jenkins/swarm
link jQuery Migrate
- Fail on Migrate attribute test (Krinkle created issue in Migrate tracker)
- A few other small issues
- Consider a new release soon, gibson042 to look next week
link jQuery 1.11/2.1
- AMD status (timmywil)
- Nice granularity
- Design question, should we reference modules via jQuery props?
- Current approach (use jQuery props for public API) is fine
- timmywil to make progress on build this week
- Performance tests (orkel)
- Can we have a dashboard that combines units, perf, coverage?
- What's the first step? orkel is working on that
link Pull requests
- (orkel to land)
- Dave to review PR queue this week
link Bug triage
- #14157 - why do we have "use strict" check there for globalEval?