- Attending: Jasper de Groot, Alexander Schmitz, Gabriel Schulhof, Ghislain Seguin
Time: 2pm ET
link Official Agenda:
- John Bender, Scott Jehl, Mat Marquis, Jeff Lembeck, and Jason Scott are no longer officially on the team
- 1.4 status
- beta planning
- open issues https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues?direction=desc&milestone=20&page=1&sort=updated&state=open
- updating Demos
- updating API docs
- upgrade guide
- updating ThemeRoller
- new web site (launch together with 1.4 final)
- PR’s
link Updates:
link Jasper de Groot
- working on reorganizing and updating demos
- working on upgrade guide
- created a “classic” theme - helps with upgrading
- made an overview (with todo’s) of project information and documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sWN1UAncQHcmDfy9UuD_ftMtyhQhWiq3inYm0ReE-J8/edit?usp=sharing
- fixed some CSS issues
link Alexander Schmitz
- plugin and css for different types of nested lists
- preparing presentation for austin
- working on 1.4 bugs
link Gabriel Schulhof
- Working through API docs
- Found out that I need to do several passes over all the docs:
- Theme swatches
- Remove c,d,e
- a → b
- c → a
- Include standard methods (enable, disable, etc.)
- Theme swatches
- Added enhanced and wrapperClass (where applicable) to
- button
- checkboxradio
- collapsibleset
- collapsible
- Found out that I need to do several passes over all the docs:
- Helped Alex and studied nested lists
- Had a big realization: You cannot override inherited things in a subtree ad infinitum ☹ This means that if nested lists are indented by default with an optional class to turn off indentation, if that class is applied to a sublist, then all its children will have no indentation, but if you then specify a second class which turns indentation back on on one of those children, then the children of that child will still not be indented. A simple example using background-color: http://jsbin.com/iLIqEG/5/edit
- Found out and fixed that collapsible and collapsibleSet do not correctly handle option value changes to the options ”corners” and ”inset” correctly. Added unit test to make sure those options are set back and forth while maintaining correct presence/absence of the ui-collapsible-inset class.
link Ghislain Seguin
- Fixed #6167: New icons: build four CSS files instead of one
- Modified CDN build and git build to use the same set of files
- TODO: Automate the publishing to CDN when releasing
link Anne-Gaelle Colom
- on vacation
link Todd Parker
- on vacation