Attending: DaveMethvin, m_gol, jaubourg, orkel, gibson042
link Jenkins/testswarm status
- master passing!
- 1.x-master line-height test on IE7 -
- gibson042 investigating
- Make a run that builds/tests each module separately
- that way it checks for unexpected dependencies
- dave to explore after beta
link jQuery 1.11/2.1 beta
- Target Thursday 9/19 this week
- What will be done/landed for the beta?
- - dave
- - dave
- - dave
- - m_gol
- orkel to land the optimizations pr
- jaubourg to work on #14207 (404 for local files)
- All open tickets, any that need to land?
link jQuery Migrate
- Look into unit test failures - dave
- Time for another release, maybe timed with 1.11/2.1?
link Browser support
- Changes?
- iOS needs to be added to TestSwarm (iOS emulators work fast)
- dave to add core team to repo
- How do we test Android?
- Run a jenkins job once week with Android emulator? - dave to look
- sauce doesn't support android <4, dave to ask them
- "Inconclusive" test results?
- extend qunit to have tests with flags indicating whether we expect them to fail in this platform (or should be skipped without trying)
- don't litter checks in the unit test code? (centralize somehow)
link Docs changes
- dave to give core team commit
link Pre-check for pull requests
- m_gol checked, they have a bot:
- See
- Can/should we do the same? m_gol to look into setup
link Code style check #12757
- orkel to land after beta
link jQuery 1.11/2.1 final
- How do we publish to npm?
- How do we publish to bower?
- Need to update build script to create tagged headless commit for release
- Should include bower deps and built file for simplicity