Attending: DaveMethvin, m_gol, gibson042, timmywil, markelog, rwaldron
link Beta2 --SHIPPED!
- Great job everyone!
link Todo for Beta3?
- Remove in beta3 (markelog):
- npm changes, already landed
- get Domenic to look at them now? yes, he likes em
link Discussion regarding data-foo-42 and the meaning of life.
link Sinon fake timers
- Landed but causing ajax issues
- johnkpaul looking at it, we can back out if it's not working by tomorrow
- Changes asyncTest -> test were only applied in the effects module, why?
link Ship a new Migrate
- Any other tickets to land for this? $.ui.version warning?
- Dave looking for elegant way to unit test that
- Can we make available via Bower for this release?
- Does npm make sense for Migrate? probably not
link Bypassing flaky tests
- Timmy prefers to fix the tests and close this. The ticket is fueled by languor, not ambition.
link How do we communicate a need for updating browsers to the infra team?
- Can we poll the BrowserStack API and update the browser list as new ones become available? Input from Krinkle, gnarf?
- Ticket:
link 1.12/2.2 feature discussion
- Bring back requestAnimationFrame?
- Create new animation api that maps better to CSS transitions?
- new data() implementation that attaches to elements
- change in data-foo-42 behavior