- Attending: Jasper de Groot, Gabriel Schulhof, Alexander Schmitz, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Ghislain Seguin
Time: 2pm ET
link Official Agenda:
- Releasing 1.4 final on Monday
link Updates:
link Jasper de Groot
- Finished new jquerymobile.com
link Alexander Schmitz
link Gabriel Schulhof
- Re-basing 1-4 onto master
- Did a semi-automated rebase, but that may not be the best
- Doing a second re-base, this time even more manually, with regard to those commits that should also end up in an eventual 1-3 branch
link Ghislain Seguin
- Good progress on the jquery-release implementation for mobile
- Left to do is create the directory to receive the demos on the website and figure out how to send an automated email to Google with their CDN version.
link Anne-Gaelle Colom
- a few fixes on the demo site for the 1-4 release (content divs changed to the new format)
- produced a list of my commits that need to be in master (some however rely on previous commits): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yZbjyoctmhfvJUb27EkGyoNvUjxSlYzVlbF0UUUJukw/edit