jQuery UI Team Meeting – Mar 26 2014

  • Ticket triage
    • 2 pending tickets -1
    • 405 tickets total +2
    • 39 pull requests +0
  • Button
    • working on checkboxradio
    • default, checkbox and icons ready for functional and accessibility testing
    • Created new PR for review and testing
    • Determine if we really want to support anchors
    • Will update buttonset (aka controlgroup), its still useful
  • Globalize
    • Working on number module
    • Working on significant figures format
    • Implemented significant digits, grouping separators
    • Working on negative number patterns
  • Release
  • Download builder
    • Trying to use buildCSSBundles() from Ghislain's AMD builder
    • He'll extract that into a separate module, Rafael will then use that in DB to support CSS comments as implemented in UI. We can adopt them in UI later.