Attending: DaveMethvin, timmywil, m_gol
link 1.11.1 / 2.1.1 RC2
- Shipped last week
- Any feedback or bugs?
link 1.11.1 / 2.1.1 final
- Release? How about Thursday 5/1
- Code changes to land:
- (markelog)
- (dave)
- Build/Test changes aren't blockers
- (Let's stay conservative here)
link Sizzle pulls
link Velocity: replacement for $.animate
- MIT licensed
- Wonder how compat it is?
- Related: Should we bring back requestAnimationFrame?
link 1.12/2.2 planning
- Tickets and pulls already tagged
- Who wants what?
- Take a look and let's discuss next week
- We'll do async