jQuery UI Team Meeting – Apr 30 2014

  • Ticket triage
    • 1 pending tickets +1
    • 412 tickets total +4
    • 41 pull requests +4
  • Duplicates
    • Should get these two autocomplete issues with lots of duplicate tickets addressed:
    • TJ volunteered last week, nothing visible yet
  • Button
    • working on checkboxradio and controlgroup
    • Did another review and testing round, lots to fix
    • will make controlgroup filter out hidden elements, if too slow, don't use the JS widget
    • will make controlgroup support selectmenu and textinputs, shouldn't require more then a few lines of extra CSS
    • Need to discuss with Jasper and Scott a more generic .ui-btn class as currently in jQuery Mobile, affects selectmenu, button, checkbox; controlgroup could use that instead of each widget individually
    • Decided to support anchors
    • Focus styling for active radio/checkbox
      • Perhaps add outline to .ui-state-focus
      • Alex to ping Chris Coyier to see if there's a good solution
  • Globalize
  • Selectmenu
  • Release
    • Release 1.11.0-beta.1
    • Need to fix menu and tooltip regressions
    • Need to fix prerelease script to push JS files to CDN
    • Should remove -cdn postfix from zip file to put that on jqueryui.com
  • Download builder
    • Offer pre-releases? Seems sane for beta and rc releases, since its more likely that people will test those with their custom builds
      • Let's try it with rc.1, since we're likely not doing another beta; or even for beta.1, Rafael will put it on stage
    • buildCSSBundles() from Ghislain's AMD builder is working
    • Discussing how to simplify our bundle, please chime in on that issue.
  • Menu