jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – May 01 2014

link 1.5 development

  • Remove deprecated code
  • Navigation: Start with API review
    • Start with API review:
      • Alex will work on this
    • Establish the API
    • Hash/query params according specs
    • Support deeplinking
  • Widgets:
    • Remove style options from widgets, use classes in markup instead
      • Web-UI-Framework team is working on this
    • Table review
      • Gabriel will work on this
    • Navbar review
      • Cory will work on this (with Jasper)
    • Listview review
      • no planning yet
    • Toolbar review
      • no planning yet
    • Selectmenu review
      • no planning yet
    • Panel review
      • review or wait for rewrite
  • Adopt widgets from UI:
    • Menu
      • no planning yet
    • Autocomplete
      • no planning yet
    • Selectmenu (if ready)
      • probably not ready in time
    • Datepicker (if ready)
      • probably not ready in time
    • Spinner
      • no planning yet
  • Namespacing:
    • Switch to fixed namespace: data-ui-*
  • Events:
    • review swipe (event data used)
      • taken care of in 1.4.2
  • Tests:
    • Remove test for deprecated features and flaky tests (especially dialog)
      • in progress
  • Download Builder:
    • update the file structure in the Mobile repo to match UI's
      • done
    • Use jQuery UI’s download builder
      • Rafael working on this
  • Tools: Adopt jquery-release script
    • done

link Last week: