jQuery UI Team Meeting – Aug 13 2014

  • Ticket triage
    • 413 tickets total +4
    • 40 pull requests -3
  • Button
    • Ready for another round of review, again
    • Working on implicit label support and focus styling, in separate branches
    • Jörn reviewed again and Alex made more changes
    • Emulating OS X focus outline, easy to override
    • Finishing controlgroup is next
    • Alex to send PR to move this.window and this.document init before _getCreateOptions call
    • Update jscs in master, then rebase button branches
  • Datepicker
  • 1.11 Regressions
  • 1.11.1
    • Released! Hooray!
  • Selectmenu
  • PointerEvents
    • Polymer has deprecated the polyfill
    • We should review how much to invest in PE when Scott gets back
    • If we still want to persue, should we see if we can adopt the repo?
    • Kris organizing a call when Scott is back to discuss.