- Ticket triage
- 384 tickets total -15
- 35 pull requests -1
- Button
- Alex did lots of updates; Jörn did another round of review.
- Wrote tests and demos for controlgroup.
- Datepicker
- TJ reviewed rebased calendar split; Scott and Jörn to review.
- Selectmenu
- Don't copy accesskey since it doesn't work everywhere.
- Test what happens if we leave it on the original elements.
- Fixed issue with items being hovered when navigating with keyboard.
- Don't copy accesskey since it doesn't work everywhere.
- 1.12.0
- Button rewrite
- Classes option (PR)
- Effects rewrite
- Menu: Reintroduce wrappers around elements
- Selectmenu: _renderButtonItem() (PR)
- Tooltip: Allow jQuery objects for content (PR)
- Split effects
- After 1.12, decide whether to land this or finally say no.
- Globalize
- Support datepicker and spinner.
- 1.0.0 milestone: Must have for 1.0.0.