jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Sep 18 2014

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 361 tickets +12
    • 20 pull requests +2

Note: Full team in person meeting on September 11th at jQuery Chicago.

link 1.4.4

  • 2 issues so far


  • won't happen unless we get major issues.


  • there is now a branch ui-1-12 which pulls in the button branch from ui which includes classes
    • use this branch for PRs
    • jasperdegroot update css for icons and new widgets
    • gabriel_schulhof: implementing classes option in current widgets
    • e.g. replace "ui-button" with this._classes( "ui-button" ); or similar
    • We'll open one issue for each widget and use assign or comment to claim one
    • Expected to be released in just over 1 month
  • we want to land tables and navbar in 1.5
  • removing custom data-attributes and namspacing everything with ui
  • pulling autoinit out of page

##cross browser automated testing

  • there is a plan to move forward potentially through something using browserstack runner
    • may actually work now with updates done by jzaefferer