Attending: DaveMethvin, timmywil, jaubourg, gibson042
link Update on web site attacks
link Trac
- Let's switch to Github issues
- Infra team swamped with DDoS and hack attacks
- Keeping Trac for old issues reference
- turn off new account creation and anonymous add/comment (dave)
- Trac 1.0 upgrade will happen when it happens
- Migrate open issues to GH issues?
- no, just close them via the current GH hook
- Create new issues with GH issues
- turn on gh issues (dave)
- create tags/milestones
link Promise Error telemetry
- mikesherov will talk to Domenic
link Promises/A+ compat
- needs review
- should this deliver to the .then? It doesn't currently because the .done throws
- gibson042 proposing a change for that
link $.xhr
- markelog examples:
- Can this be made to work with jquery-compat? (1.x)
- IE8 limitations