jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Oct 09 2014

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 367 tickets -4
    • 41 pull requests +14

link 1.4.5

  • need to re-check issues as Apple fixed Safari in a patch
    • so we may not need 1.4.5 if selectmenu is fixed by this.

link 1.5.0

  • waiting on some updates in UI
  • Classes
    • PRs need updating - in progress
    • Alex implementing setOption handling in ui we will need to update in mobile to match
  • Declarative Widgets Module
    • Prototyped with input from TJ, PR to follow from Alex
  • Table
    • needs review
  • Navbar
    • waiting on merger from new pr
  • Toolbar
  • Theme update
    • Jasper working in branch button-css
  • 2 options will work on new template hoping for vanity urls
  • Checkboxradio as well as button and controlgroup
    • waiting for ui updates, hopefully can be done next week

link Other topics

  • website spider
    • grunt-spider plugin coming
      • working way through websites one at a time
  • CSS
  • Cordova Issues
    • Lisa helping out
  • Welcome Cory
    • WELCOME!
  • jsbin links
    • use .html extension in bin version number
    • can also be done by changing the x-requested-with header in the ajaxSetup
    • the idea is to get that fixed in our template