jQuery UI Team Meeting – Oct 22 2014

  • Ticket triage
    • 399 tickets total -1
    • 45 pull requests +4
  • 1.11.2 Released
  • Button
    • Updated PR coming soon
  • Datepicker
    • new PR coming this evening with updates from last round of review
  • Menu
  • Selectmenu
  • Globalize
    • Need currency formatting to update spinner to 1.x
    • Easier to use Globalize 1.x when demos and tests use AMD, to load CLDR files with requirejs instead of $.get
  • Classes option
    • Alex implemented _setOption support, sent new PR
    • The more reviewers the better, looking for the best/smallest implementation
  • jsbin
    • Alex to talk to Remy about a custom jQuery UI setup