- Testing
- Currently using Mocha and Chai
- Adopt Intern
- Provides non-simulated events through Webdriver API
- Compatible with Chai
- Colin available to answer any questions about Intern and assist with implementation.
- Jacques to work on initial implementation.
- Would be nice to run W3C tests, but they require user interaction.
- Can manually run them on occasion to verify proper functionality.Nom
- Can skip anything that involves capabilities that a device doesn’t have, like multi touch on IE8
- Browser support (overlaps with testing)
- Adopt baseline from jQuery UI/Mobile? Currently means IE8+
- Or stick with IE9+, provide hooks to implement IE8 support elsewhere, probably using jQuery events
- Need to at least test that the polyfill doesn’t crash IE8
- Need to automate tests with the jQuery wrapper in IE8, to verify the hooks actually work
- Project Lead
- Volunteers or nominations?
- Nominations for Scott
- Scott willing to accept, but is happy to have someone take over at any point
- Scott replaced Polymer loader
- Less crazy now, but should probably use a real build system
- Go for AMD with r.js, instead of just concatenating files
- Single entry point that includes everything in the correct order
- Schedule for future meetings
- Weekly, reduce later if there’s not enough to discuss
- Scott to send another Doodle
- Fall back to today’s time if we can’t find something else
- Create Freenode channel: #pep
- Move notifications from #jqueryui-dev to #pep
- 10 minutes for planning, 50 minutes for venting
- Adoption
- Planned
- Dojo 2
- jQuery UI
- Intel App Framework (eventually)
- Replace IBM’s dpointer?
- Was supposed to go into Dojo 2
- IBM will discuss internally
- Requires support for AMD and IE9 (from last meeting)
- Talk to about adoption:
- Wikipedia
- WordPress
- MS Open Tech will promote it and contribute code, no immediate plans for using it
- Planned
- Misc.
- Rename repo to PEP
- Touch action
- Filed issue: https://github.com/jquery/PointerEvents/issues/151