jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jan 21 2015

  • Ticket triage
    • 382 tickets total -3
    • 28 pull requests -1
  • Button
    • Append or prepend the icon based on position option
  • Datepicker
    • Calendar split landed in datepicker branch!
    • Also fixed unit tests to run in grunt/phantom and fixed visual tests
  • New default theme
    • Rafael testing DB/TR integration
    • Make the new theme the new default, as "Base", keep UI Lightness and Smoothness in the TR gallery
    • Update tooltip to use ui-widget-shadow class (via classes option, once that lands), move box-shodow definition into theme.css/.ui-widget-shadow, update TR to demo that instead of the weird fake shadow we have currently
  • RTL
    • Scott to send out doodle
  • Perf testing
    • Chassis has performance testing, we could do something similar
  • Menu
    • Now using ui-state-active for all items