jQuery UI Team Meeting – Mar 18 2015

  • Ticket triage
    • 377 tickets total -4
    • 15 pull requests -5
  • Classes option landed in master
    • Still need to write API docs
    • A few widgets landed with classes: {} which need to be removed
  • Trac spam
    • Scott to reach out to Trac team to see if they can suggest a person to help with the upgrade
    • If that doens't work, reach out to the WordPress team
  • AMDifying tests
    • New PR: https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/pull/1511
    • Reduces existing PR down to just updating the accordion test suite
    • Easier to iterate on changes
    • Deal with $.ui.backCompat using a separate module the depends on jQuery, sets the flag, then returns jQuery
  • Alex to send a PR that uses strict class checks in tests