jQuery UI Team Meeting – Apr 22 2015

  • Ticket triage
    • 379 tickets total +5
    • 24 pull requests +1
  • Button
    • Alex and Jörn working through another round of review
    • Create a private method for finding the form from an input
      • Only need for IE8, which will be dropped in less than a year
    • Create a public method for finding the label from an input
      • Mimic native element.labels
  • AMDifying tests
    • Scott and Jörn got tests working in TestSwarm and IE8
  • Classes API docs
    • Jörn finished docs, landed in 1-12
  • Slider scrollbar demo
    • Custom scrollbars are generally terrible; this implementation is far from ideal
    • Delete the demo
  • Tooltip endlessly append to the DOM for the ARIA live region
    • http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/10689
    • Scott met with Dylan to go over our AT support and discuss potential solutions
    • Dylan is testing a simplified approach in our supported browser/AT combinations
  • 1.12 docs
    • Jörn is making good progress