jQuery UI Team Meeting – Apr 29 2015

  • Ticket triage
    • 378 tickets total -1
    • 22 pull requests -2
  • Button
    • Alex and Jörn working through another round of review
  • 1.9 git build
    • We still have the 1.9 git build on the CDN
    • It's never been a proper build because it doesn't have its own theme directory
    • Drop from the CDN
  • Autocomplete focus handling
    • Separate handling for hover and focus
    • Hovering would highlight the item, but pressing enter would not select it
    • Would remove the Firefox workaround for hovering over newly visible elements (which is about to become the common behavior in all browsers)
  • Tooltip endlessly append to the DOM for the ARIA live region
    • Dylan is testing a simplified approach in our supported browser/AT combinations
  • Selectmenu height
    • Scott to work with Alex on this
  • Tooltip focus/click behavior