Attending Members: sfrisk, kristyjy, arschmitz, arthurvr, geekman-rohit
- Contributing: Adding information about the weekly IRC meeting
- Updates will be made once the build problems are resolved
- Buttons: Initial pass at buttons, covering sizes, options, disabled, active, focus, and hover states
- Need to convert variables to jsass, once current build issues are resolved.
- Need to change the contrasting colors to something that passes accessibility.
- Table styling
- Open for someone to take over
- Build: Must run variables task as part of the build
- Should fix current build errors, however needs to make sure that the 'dist' folder is created, otherwise grunt build will fail if this folder doesn't already exist.
- geekman-rohit will make updates to this PR to add that functionality
- Build: make JSCS and JSHint lint the grunt config too
- Good to pull in, but will wait for the build to be fixed first
- Linting:Add scss variable files to linting
- SCSS Style guide
- Initial PR shall be submitted by next meeting
- Build: delete moot
file - Good to pull in.
- perfjankie
- arschmitz to add the perfankie task to fix
grunt perf