- Ticket triage
- 393 tickets total, -0
- 26 pull requests, -1
- Button
- PR still needs another review
- Browser support
- When do we switch to Safari 7+? 1.12.0 or 1.13.0?
- 1.12.0, but no apparent code to remove
- https://github.com/jquery/jqueryui.com/issues/121
- When do we switch to Safari 7+? 1.12.0 or 1.13.0?
- Datepicker
- Working on migration to Globalize 1.x, upgrade to latest should fix all tests
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/commits/datepicker-globalize-1.x
- Discussing how to replace external/localization.js
- Splitting up core
- Updated to replace concat with requirejs task, helped find a bad define
- Some issues remaining, mostly just documentation URLs that need to be udpated