- Ticket Triage (Issues + PR):
- 266 (+7)
- Attending: Arthur, Aurelio, Karl, Alex, Anne
link Content:
- Mobile Api docs will need to be updated to core 1.11.1 for mobile 1.4.5
- New grunt-jquery-content feature allows to setup redirects in the repo (redirects.json)
- Arthur working on moving all redirects from the infrastructure repo to the repos
- Example: api.qunitjs.com/pull/108
- Should be finished soon as there are only a few sites to go
- Status on the http -> https redirects?
- We should implement
- issues with mixed content so we need to make sure that refs to http are changed to https
- example: jqueryui.com/issues/118
- Arthur will take care of this if possible
- Globalizejs docs: a new contributor has offered to help :-)