- Ticket triage
- 401 tickets total, +1
- 28 pull requests, +0
- Button
- Scott reviewed, Alex update, Jörn started another review
- Datepicker
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/pull/1590
- Jörn reviewed
- Once landed: Work on broken focus handling
- Felix scheduling a meeting to discuss CLDR
- http://doodle.com/poll/mix3v6bpxab2wzr8#table
- npm/CJS
- Rafael introduced Scott to Juho Vepsäläinen, Scott asked Juho to provide feedback
- https://github.com/bebraw/jquery-ui/tree/webpack
- https://github.com/bebraw/jquery-ui-webpack-demo
- "This is just a proof of concept and you'll have to add the missing imports. I also might declare jquery as a peer dependency of jquery-ui. You would have to check out the current recommendation for that, though."
- JSCS updates