Attending: timmywil, gibson042, DaveMethvin, markelog, m_gol
link Issues needing review
- HTML parser + script content
- can we close? yes, edge case not worth size
- Include a working htmlPrefilter (cf. gh-1374) example for this issue in the docs
link PRs
- space -> %20
- Needs an update from Dave
- events + comment nodes
- Will merge with backup for when DOMNodeInserted is removed
link 2.2/1.12 planning
- Generate a list of commits
- markelog to start it
- Focus on this release before doing beta
- Also, this takes precedence before new 3.0 migrate
- 1.12-stable branch
link Include some sort of semver designation in commit messages
- commitplease issue
- Note in contribution docs
link Follow up with Mozilla on desired DOM API changes (
- exposing the style cascade for show/hide
- test focusin/focusout support
- more (e.g., resolved values) from getComputedStyle
link Current failures on master and compat
- None