- Ticket triage
- 412 tickets total, +3
- 28 pull requests, -1
- Build dependency updates
- Finally got grunt-html updated with Travis' trusty build
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/commit/ff3769272bb5530b224297fa5d2add1865acbb7f
- Selectmenu
- Alex sent a PR to update docs
- https://github.com/jquery/api.jqueryui.com/pull/297
- Menu
- Regression with active styling
- https://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/14919
- Jörn to look into fixing this
- RTL support
- Ahmed Asaleh from IBM reached out about helping with RTL support
- https://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/14923
- Ahmed will send a PR for accordion so we can discuss the approach