- Lint : Minor Typo fix
- Ask for rebase, to fix travis issues, then pull in
- [WIP] Tables: Table styling
- Away on vacation last week
- Images : Basic styling
- Pull in, good base for variables
- Grunt: 'grunt watch' runs all tasks at beginning
- Pulled In
- Grunt: grunt-watch now detects variable changes
- Squash into one commit, then sfrisk will pull it in
- Initial files and initial demo styles added (input styling)
- Needs styling for other inputs, text area
- Include labels in demo
- Testing: Added Pure for sass unit testing #35
- Wait on having some more sass to figure out how best to use this
- Typography: Added basic styles for paragraphs and lists
- sfrisk added some comments
- Accessibility testing
- Good to pull in, but needs some master merging help