Testing Team Meeting – Aug 03 2012

**August 2, 2012

Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode

Attending: Corey, Scott, Dave, John, Jörn

Time: Noon ET


Need to review pull requests and other issues

  • #287 will land module select after some cleanup
  • #289 look into enhancing validTest to always accept global failure
  • #292 move .html() reset to Core (and maybe UI)
  • #291 looks invalid


BrowserStack running better now, all UI jobs green without us changing anything

Corey working on post-commit hooks, will use those for testswarm and testswarm-browserstack to deploy updates in the future

John Bender working on getting Mobile fixed in IE9, a few (swarm) heisenbugs make that not as much fun

Need to move testswarm-browserstack to jquery account, use Krinkle’s fork as starting point. Ask Clark though to move his repo to keep forks and issues.

  • Merge Corey’s experiments, see /usr/local/tools/testswarm-browserstack/gnarf-test.js onjq03.jquery.com
  • Also look into upgrading to v2 BrowserStack API, node-browserstack already supports that

Move to new service box


jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Aug 02 2012

  • Attending: Todd Parker, John Bender, Ghislain Seguin, Gabriel Schulhof, Jasper de Groot, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Jason D Scott, Maurice Gottlieb

link Todd

  • 1.2 alpha released: http://jquerymobile.com/blog/2012/08/01/announcing-jquery-mobile-1-2-0-alpha/
    • Great reaction so far, no major issues reported
    • We will continue to make smaller improvements and fixes next week as we wait for people to test
    • Try to get to final in 3-4 weeks max
  • Upgraded to the 1.9 widget factory
  • Many utilities are decoupled from core dependencies. Touch events, orientationchange, and virtual mouse bindings from jQM can be used standalone with the download builder are now 7k min/2.8kb gzip'd.
  • Roadmap: next
  • Working on a new logo for the project, concepts to be circulated soon

link Ghislain Seguin

  • Builder seems to stop working randomly, have to investigate
  • Should we re-introduce $.support.touch? issue #4786 - was removed as part of decoupling, will do some analysis and try to bring this back for the next 1.2 release.
  • Listview filter improvements - landed post-1.2 alpha
    • Add a demo showing how to use these to build an autocomplete?
  • One more listview improvement to land: issue #4133

link John Bender

  • TestSwarm IE
  • Slider Cleanup
  • Slider Perf (needs testing)
  • 1.3 goals: Performance suite

link Gabriel Schulhof

  • https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/4419 - the new widget factory has this._on() which nicely prevents memory leaks caused by stale attached event handlers, however, we should implement _destroy() on our widgets, because handlers attached to elements introduced during widget creation need not be removed if the elements are removed.
  • Write tests for the various funky-initial-URL cases - need a way to test when nav jumps to a page that does not have jQM
  • Post-1.2:

link Jasper de Groot

link Anne-Gaelle Colom

  • Not gone on holiday yet after all... so:
  • Added inline examples to api docs: slider, switch collapsibles, collapsible set, and select. Also completed some of those with missing info.
  • Added inline examples to api docs: select (still have to adjust the iframe sizes for those)
  • Corrected boolean options that were using double quotes in the docs.
  • helped release 1.2.0-alpha.1 (docs code changes) and minor changes elsewhere...

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jul 30 2012

July 30, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Attending: DaveMethvin, timmywil, mikesherov, jaubourg, scott_gonzalez, rwaldron, gnarf
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

Unit tests PASSING!

  • Occasional flakiness in timing-related tests
  • I’m tweaking the timers as they occur to reduce the odds

jQuery 1.8

Patches landed — do we need an RC2?

Final release date?

  • I’m traveling all this week but could do a release
  • Otherwise, August 7?

http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12158  (throws)

Leave it quoted for 1.8, warn that it’s coming out after that

“it was put in to prevent YUI compressor from breaking”

https://github.com/jquery/sizzle/pull/139(fixes to pseudo argument cases)

  • timmywil is -1
  • Need perf tests to see effects on relatively common cases

Scott has UI 1.8.22 out, compatible with core 1.8

Mobile bitten by removal of $.attrFn! (undocumented interface)

Avoid private arguments to our public APIs

  • complicates duck punching

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jul 26 2012

  • Attending: Todd Parker, John Bender, Ghislain Seguin, Gabriel Schulhof, Jasper de Groot, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Jason Scott

link Todd

link Ghislain Seguin

  • Slowly getting back into things
  • Looking at plugins .jquery.json file generation that Bender wrote. Adding metadata extraction
  • Next up: listview filter issues

link Gabriel Schulhof

  • https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/4649
  • https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/4727 Do we want an event "popupbeforeclose" triggered from close() which, if default-prevented, will not close the popup? May have ugly implications for nav, because we need to go forward, back to the popup when the user clicks back. So, we’ll behave like one of those annoying redirects where you can no longer access your browser history by simply clicking back. Decision: wait until post-1.2 to look at this, could be complex with the nav model
  • https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/4723 Reposition: Seems decent now, let's test on many different devices, and close this bug.
  • https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/4595 changeHash: false pages are skipped over during navigation - we can close this, because we agreed that we won't do anything about this, right?
  • Test the living daylights out of popups, because I
    • pushed a lot of code restructuring changes
    • made it center to window upon orientationchange
  • Pie-in-the-sky:
    • Suspend pagebeforechange using deferred(s). Helps integration with other frameworks, because we give devs a chance to await the completion of async ops before we display the page that needs the result of those ops.
    • Cookie-based do-not-navigate-outside-jQM unit tests. Test combinations of opening dialogs, pages, popups, pages from dialogs, pages from popups, dialogs from popups, popups from dialogs, etc., and make sure the navigation doesn’t go to a page outside the portion of browser history covered by the current nstance of jQuery mobile.

link Jasper de Groot

link Anne-Gaelle Colom

  • finished collapsible and checkboxes in api docs with inline examples - up to 9 widgets documented in the new XML standard
  • now need to add inline examples to select, radio buttons, collapsible sets, search input, switch, slider and dialog
  • Need to discuss jQuery html standard
  • Raised some issues with the jQuery UI team regarding the API site (code highlighting, NAN in code line numbering). 1st issue is fixed. 2nd will be soon.
  • http://code.jquery.com/mobile/latest/jquery.mobile.js still old (16th July)
  • Discussed jsbin with Remy Sharp. We can now view jQuery Mobile code in Output panel, except in FF. Remy has filed a bug report with Mozilla to get this sorted: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=777526 *Will be on holiday from tomorrow and will be on/off internet. Highly likely that I will not be online next thursday for the meeting. I will be online again around 8th August - 23rd August. Then off again and finally back at work on the 6th

Ecma/TC39 Meeting – Jul 26 2012

link July 26 2012 Meeting Notes

Present: Mark Miller (MM), Brendan Eich (BE), Yehuda Katz (YK), Luke Hoban (LH), Rick Waldron (RW), Alex Russell (AR), Tom Van-Cutsem (TVC), Bill Ticehurst (BT), Sam Tobin-Hochstadt (STH), Allen Wirfs-Brock (AWB), Doug Crockford (DC), John Neumann (JN), Erik Arvidsson (EA), Dave Herman (DH), Norbert Lindenberg (NL), Oliver Hunt (OH)

link Maxmin class semantics

YK: namespacing pattern: class that goes inside existing object; like Ember.View

DH: Ember.View = class ...

AWB: or Ember = { View: class ... }

AWB: early error list

  • naming class eval/arguments
  • duplicate class element names
  • extends expression contains a yield
  • method name constructor used on get, set, or generator

MM: yield should not be an error!

DH: definitely not! burden of proof is on the rejector; there's no reason to reject here

YK: why can't we do a getter?

DH: there's no way to declaratively figure out what the actual function for the class is, because the getter returns the function

AWB: class declarations create const bindings

AR: can you justify?

AWB: why would you want to overwrite it?

RW: what about builtins needing to be patched?

DH: those are independently specified to be writable; the relevant question is whether user programs will want to patch up local class bindings

AWB: whether this is a good idea probably depends on whether you're a library writer or application writer; if you aren't exporting class definitions

AR: you could still say const x = class

YK: that distinction isn't useful; every app has stuff like libraries

AR: restriction needs justification

DC: my preference is only for the expression form so there's no confusion

RW: surveyed ~200 developers, majority did not want const bindings by default

MM: I like crock's suggestion, just don't do the declarative one

EA: what?

LH: that's just putting cost on everyone else rather than us

MM: no, I'm talking about saving the cognitive cost to user

YK: if we went with const by default, I'd agree we shouldn't do declarative

AR: goal is most value for shortest syntax, without footguns; the analogy with const seems tenuous

AWB: this is subtle, and most people won't even notice

DH: I don't buy that there are significant errors being caught, there's no benefit to engines, there's not enough benefit to users, and it's clear there are costs. so I don't see any reason to do const binding by default

general agreement

MM: I'm opposed to declarative form. but if it is going to be declarative, should pick a declarative form and say it's the same as that, and let is the only clear candidate

DH: I'm not convinced function is impossible

MM: the expression extends is the killer. makes it impossible

LH: I'm convinced it can't hoist

DH: why not a more restricted syntax for declarative form in order to get hoisting?

class Sup extends Object { ... }
class Sub extends Sup { ... }

LH: surprising that you can't compute the parent

DH: there are surprises in each alternative we've talked about here; but I claim it's surprising to lose hoisting

OH: relevant analogy here is the fact that other languages with declarative classes don't care about order

LH: CoffeeScript does; it translates to var x = ...

AR: pulse?

DH: I think we all acknowledge this is tricky; I feel strongest that leaving out the declarative is failing in our duty

MM: if we leave out the declarative, then people will simply learn that the language is let c = class

BE: why are we debating this?

STH: Mark and Doug are arguing it

BE: over-minimizing and failing at usability

YK: let x = class extends Bar { } is just crazy

DH: that's laughable as the common case

AWB: this came from the hoisting debate

BE: I thought we agreed to dead zone. if we get stuck on this we'll never finish classes

LH: agreed; we need a separate proposal for hoisting

DH: happy to revisit later if I can come up with better alternatives

MM: we have adequate consensus that declarative desugars to let

AWB: classes are strict?

STH: I thought class did not imply strict mode

AR: does anyone want that?


AWB: default constructor has empty body? we'll get back to this

AWB: local class name scoping? similar to named function expression, but const bound?

DH: const bound?

AWB: just like NFE

DH: I actually didn't know NFE's had a const binding!

AWB: is this a bug? should we reconsider?

MM: avoids refactoring hazard

MM: my first choice would be to fix function: within function body its name is const; second choice is for class to be consistent

BE: not sure why we're talking about this, can't be changed

MM: in that case the class expression form should follow NFE

general agreement

DC: I disagree with the scoping decision about class declarations

DH: confused what we're talking about

STH: in body of class declaration, should there be a fresh scope contour

OH: it's not uncommon to overwrite the class

MM: example:

class Foo {
self() { return Foo }
new Foo().self() === Foo // can fail

this is very confusing for this to fail

DH: why would you ever want the extra scope contour?

STH: Rick gave a good example:

class C {
m(x) { return x instanceof C }
var y = new C;
C = 17

DH: not compelling; you mutated C! if you need the earlier value, you should save it; the confusion would only arise if you expected C to be a static class like in Java, but that's not how JavaScript bindings work

RW: the common pattern being the defensive-constructor pattern:

function C() {
if (!(this instanceof C)) {
return new C();

DH: now I'm that much more confident that there should not be another scope contour; I don't see any compelling argument

AWB: let me throw up another justification: class declarations often appear at global scope, not uncommon for somebody to write class body where there are references to the class; at global scope, anybody could have assigned to that value

DH: I don't want to poison non-global cases just to protect against one hazard of global code, when global code is hazardous anyway

AWB: I would put protecting global code at a higher priority than a subtlety of inner bindings, but I'll go with the flow if I can't convince you

DC: I don't want to hold this up

MM: are you willing to go with the function parallel?

DC: yes; I don't prefer it but I won't hold this up

AWB: missing extends, what's the default? intrinsics


AWB: extends null: prototype is null, Foo.[[Prototype]] extends intrinsic Function.prototype


AWB: extends a constructor:

class Foo extends Object { }
Foo.[[Prototype]]: (Object)
Foo.prototype.[[Prototype]]: (Object).prototype

IOW, class-side inheritance

MM: I disagree, the history of JS does not have it

BE: I disagree with that claim, history shows some examples on both sides

EA: people do refer to this in static functions; they have the freedom to use the class name or this, and they do both

LH: CoffeeScript does class-side inheritance, but they don't do it like this -- they copy

BE: but they will avoid the copy once you implement dunder-proto

MM: you can't depend on it

BE: this gives programmers more flexibility to do it however they want

MM: but then people can't use a this-sensitive function!

BE: not true, the contract of a JS function includes its this-sensitivity

Arv, AR: nod visibly

LH: at end of day, plenty of static functions in JS that are this-sensitive

YK: that's the style of program that I write

EA: some style guides say don't do it

LH: backbone does this

MM: so Foo will inherit Object.create, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, etc?

DH: that does mean we'll be more and more hampered from adding methods to Object

EA: but now we have modules

BE: true, that's the right answer

MM: polluting of statics with everything in Object is fatal; those are just not relevant to most of the class abstractions people write; when I write

class Point { }

I don't want Point.getOwnPropertyDescriptor

AWB: you only opt into that with class Point extends Object; with class Point { } you don't get any of that stuff

DH: feels giddy and sees the clouds part and sun shining through, with angels singing from on high

YK: also, there are override hazards of pollution: if someone freezes Object, then you wouldn't be able to override sweet class method names like keys(), so the ability to avoid that pollution is important

MM: valid point. thing is, we don't have static form b/c you can supposedly use imperative assignment, but that won't work for frozen classes

BE: that's just an argument for statics in the future

AWB: minimality ftw

AWB: class Foo extends Object.prototype?

LH: this surprised me when I saw it in the spec

AWB: older version of class proposal had a "prototype" contextual keyword for this case

DH: what happens if you're defining a meta-class? you can't tell whether it's a prototype or a constructor

BE: that's a smell

AWB: constructor trumps object

BE: YAGNI, cut it

AWB: so what do we do if it's not a constructor?

DH: throw

BE: that's more future-proof

general agreement

AWB: extends neither an object nor null: type error

DH: actual type errors in JS, yay!

RW: curious: what if Foo extends { ... }

DH: non-constructable, so error; but could use a function literal

AWB: extends value is constructor but its prototype value is neither an object nor null: type error (existing semantics of new: silently uses Object.prototype)


AWB: Foo.prototype is an immutable binding? builtin constructors are immutable, user function(){} mutable

some surprise

MM: make .constructor mutable but .prototype immutable

YK: why? (I want mutable)

MM: nice for classes for instanceof to be a reliable test

YK: why?

AWB: classes are higher integrity; association between constructor and prototype actually means something now

BE: I'm moved by higher-integrity, self-hosting with minimal work

STH: not compelling to make self-hosting easy, just possible; defineProperty is just fine for that

DH: most everyone seems to agree that .prototype is immutable, .constructor is mutable. Arv and AR, thoughts?

EA: that's fine

AR: yup, that's fine

AWB: method attributes: sealed? ({ writeable: true, configurable: false, enumerable: false})

  • configurable: false -- you've established a specific shape

YK: you don't want to switch from a data property to an accessor?

AWB: non-configurable but writable is reasonable

MM: this depends crucially on our stance on override mistake; this prevents me from making an accessor

AR: I don't see why we're considering making this anything other than writeable: true, configurable: true

BE: Allen feels having the shape be fixed is useful


BE: so consensus is writable: true, configurable: true


AWB: methods are not constructable?

DH: what?

MM: biggest benefit: this further aligns classes with builtins

MM: three reasons for this:

  1. precedent in builtins
  2. using a method as a constructor is generally nonsense
  3. to freeze a class, I have to freeze the .prototype of the methods on the prototype!!

LH: compelling for me: never seen a class-like abstraction on a prototype of a class-like abstraction

MM: I have, but you still can; just do it in a way that's obvious, don't do it with method syntax

BE: hard cases make bad law! (agreeing with MM -- use a longhand)

YK: so you can say classes really only existed as builtins, now they're expressible

AWB: get/set accessors are constructors? that's just the way they are in ES5

BE: is there precedent in builtins?

AWB: nothing explicit

YK: I'd prefer consistency between these last two cases

AWB: accessor properties on prototype are enumerable

BE: what about DOM/WebIDL? accessors on prototype?

LH: they're enumerable, yes

AWB: suggestion: concise methods should be the same for both classes and object literals

  • strictness
  • enumerability
  • constructability
  • attributes

AWB: breaking change from ES5: get/set functions non-constructable

AWB: class accessor properties:

  • enumerable: false, configurable: false

AR: no

EA: no

YK: when you use an accessor you're trying to act like a data property

BE: so compelling argument is: accessors are enumerable, configurable, and writable

AWB: Luke suggests that default constructor should do a super-constructor call with same arguments constructor(...args) {super(...args)}

BE: default constructor in CoffeeScript, Ruby

AWB: perhaps needs to test for Object constructor and not call it

DH: no observable difference!

MM: if there's no observable difference, go with simplest spec

AWB: other places where we do implicit super call? I say no

DH: I say no.

LH: I agree, I think there's no clear way for us to do it, but I also think there will be many, many bugs

BE: irreducible complexity here, caveat refactorer

link getPrototypeOf trap

TVC: (introduction)

__proto__ writable destroys invariant that [[Prototype]] link is stable

Frozen objects should continue to have stable prototype chain

getPrototypeOf trap result should be consistent wth target object's proto

MM: if the proto can be changed, the proxy should...?

TVC: spec interceptable [[Prototype]]

[[Prototype]] is currently an internal prop

Would need to become internal accessor prop or split into [[GetProto]] / [[SetProto]]

[[GetProto]] / [[SetProto]] would trigger traps for proxies

AWB/BE: This is good

YK: Do we want an analogous setPrototypeOf trap?

TVC: Yes

AWB: If you have capability to set prototype ?

TVC: proxy.__proto__ should just trigger the proxy's get trap

var p = Proxy(target, handler)
p.__proto__ // => handler.get(target, "__proto__", p)
p.__proto__ = x // => handler.set(target, "__proto__", x, p)


Trapping instanceof

Function [[HasInstance]]

x instanceof Global answering true if x and Global live in separate frames/windows

var fp = Proxy(targetFunction, handler);
x instanceof fp // handler.hasInstance(targetFunction, x)

MM: Explains concerns originally raised on es-discuss list by David Bruant, but shows the cap-leak is tolerable ...

DH: if hasInstance private name on instanceof RHS...

MM: What Object.prototype does private name inherit from?

AWB: Probably null

BE: the E4X any (*) name had null proto in SpiderMonkey, was true singleton in VM

AWB: functions have home context, but no reason for objects to

DH: this is a new idea of value that is not really any object

OH: if it has no properties and no prototype

BE: cannot be forged.

Discussion about unforgeability.

DH: Trapping instanceof use case

Trapping Object.isExtensible

Currently Object.isExtensible doesnt trap same for isSealed isFrozen

var p = Proxy(target, handler)
Object.isExtensible( p ) => Object.isExtensible

Direct Proxies: "internal" properties

Issue raised by Jason Orendorff; auto unwrapping is dangerous if built-in methods return non-primitive values


var arr = [o1, o2, o3];
var it = arr.iterator();
var membraneP = wrap(it);

Solution (?)

Instead of auto-unwrapping, delegate to a nativeCall trap (which auto-unwraps by default)


BE: nativeCall trap is back door between built-in this-type-specific method impls and proxies. Not good for standardization. Better to make such built-ins generic via Name object internal property identifiers, a la AWB's subclassing built-ins strawman

Discussion moved to Subclassing...

MM: re: what you want syntax wise

AWB: one way to address, not use instance that is automattically created, create new array and patch the proto

... BE: (back to nativeCall trap)

AWB: Let's continue the issue of subclassability on es-discuss

TVC: defaultValue slide

See slide?

BE/AWB: defer this to reflect spec handling, non-observable way.

link Proxies and private names

TVC: getName(target, name.public) instead of get(target, name.public) -- this way get trap that doesn't expect name objects won't break on unexpected inputs

DH: has, delete, ...? bigger surface area

TVC: you'd still have to branch in the code, so this is cleaner for user

YK: debugging tool will want to be able to see these things

OH: a built-in debugger will have hooks into the VM

YK: many debuggers use reflection

BE: so it's just a matter of having a bunch of XXXName traps. in for a penny, in for a pound

STH: this is simple and straightforward, we know how to do it

BE: when in doubt use brute force (K. Thompson)

STH: when brute force doesn't work, you're not using enough of it

TVC: if getName returns undefined, forwards to target; so default behavior is transparent proxying

TVC: otherwise, getName takes public name and returns [privateName, value] to show that you know the private name and produce the value

STH: what about set?

TVC: returns name and success value

DH: what about unique names?

TVC: same mechanism

DH: so name.public === name?

MM: I like that

MM: are unique names in?

DH: I think so

BE: are they actually distinguishable?

MM: have to be if name.public === name or name.public !== name distinction

DH: (named) boolean flag to Name constructor

DH: do we have some way of reflecting unique names?

TVC: Object.getNames() ?

DH: ugh...

AWB: maybe a flag to Object.getOwnPropertyNames({ unique: true })

BE (editing notes): flags to methods are an API design anti-pattern

TVC: VirtualHandler fundamental traps throw, should they forward instead?


TVC: and rename to Handler?


MM: next issue: freeze, seal, defineOwnProperties each modify configuration of bunches of separate properties, and can fail partway through; we tried & failed in ES5 to make it atomic

MM: current unspecified order means could break

MM: tom did something in his code that's beautiful: order-independent. just keep going, remember you failed, do as many as you can, and then throw at the end

STH: if target is proxy, weird unpredictably stuff can happen

DH: no worse than anything that does for-in loops, right?

TVC: well, it's getOwnPropertyNames

MM: that's specified to for-in order, right?

DH: but what does for-in order say about non-enumerable properties? evil grin

MM: cracks up

AWB: sounds like an ES5 bug!

link VirtualHandler

VirtualHandler Rename VirtualHandler to just Handler?

Tom Van-Cutsem's Proxy presentation slides:


link Template strings


AWB: first order of business, to ban the term "quasis"


AWB: proposing "string templates" (note: settled on Template Strings ^RW)

DH: a lot of people say "string interpolation" in other languages

AWB: must use ${identifier}, don't allow $identifier

EA: uncomfortable with that

BE: troublesome to identify right end of identifier

EA: withdraw my objection

AWB: untagged quasi is PrimaryExpression, tagged quasi is CallExpression

AWB: at runtime, tag must evaluate to a function

DH: well, you just do a call and that does the check

AWB: lexing treated similarly to regexp; add a new context called "lexical goal" so lexer can tell what a curly means (like a flex(1) mode)

AWB: default escaping should be equivalent to normal strings

BE: we should canonicalize line separators to \n

AWB: for both cooked and raw?

BE: raw should be raw!

AWB: raw tag is a property of the String constructor:

String.raw`In Javascript '\n' is a line-feed.`

DH: that's pretty badass

BE: too long a name; wanna import a small name from a module

AWB: well, importing takes more characters than renaming with a var declaration

BE: let's put off the bikeshed in the interest of time

AWB: simplify call site object (first arg to prefix-tag function): it's just an array of the cooked elements since that's the common case, with a .raw expando holding array of the raw elements, both arrays frozen

BE: is there a grawlix problem with ` syntax?

DH: I've tried polling and opinions are utterly mutually incompatible

BE: what about mandated prefix but with existing e.g. ' or " quotes

LH: that's just wrong, the most common case will be unprefixed

MM: proposal for object literals inside ${...} context, based on object literal shorthand {foo} meaning not {foo:foo} but rather {get foo() foo, set foo(bar) {foo=bar}} to sync variable foo with property (!)

STH: that is going to be utterly unexpected

MM: ok, not gonna argue for it

AWB: what's left on the agenda?

RW: Erik is gonna take another whack at the error stack proposal

link Map and Set methods: conclusion

BE: forEach on maps and sets -- how about common signature, set passes e as index:

array a.forEach((e, i, a) => ~~~)
map m.forEach((v, k, m) => ~~~)
set s.forEach((e, e, s) => ~~~)

FILED: https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=591 FILED: https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=592

link Wiki

DH: I'd love help with a documentation hack day for the wiki

link Scoping for C-style loops

LH: another agenda item we skipped: for (let ; ; ) binding semantics

DH: I thought we came to agreement on that at the Yahoo! meeting?

AWB: we had a long discussion and consensus was to make for (let ; ;) bind on each iteration

AWB: subsequent to that, considerable discussion on es-discuss about that, issues associated with closure capture occurring in the initialization expressions; couple different semantics to work around that, with more complex copying at each iteration; another approach is a new kind of Reference value, got really complex

AWB: working on the specs, I took easy way out for now; defined it a la C# (per-loop lexical binding); just for now b/c it's simple, understandable, and there's still controversy

AWB: another option is not to have a let for of C-style loops

STH, DH, OH: no!!!

DH: this needs another trip around the block but no time today

MM: my opinion is it doesn't matter what happens with closure capture in the head, b/c it's an esoteric case that will be extremely rare

BE: I think the January semantics is still probably the right answer:

var g;
for (let f = () => f; ; ) {
g = f;
g(); // returns () => f

OH: it logically makes sense

Ecma/TC39 Meeting – Jul 25 2012

link July 25 2012 Meeting Notes

Present: Mark Miller (MM), Brendan Eich (BE), Yehuda Katz (YK), Luke Hoban (LH), Andreas Rossberg (ARB), Rick Waldron (RW), Alex Russell (AR), Tom Van-Cutsem (TVC), Bill Ticehurst (BT), Rafeal Weinstein (RWS), Sam Tobin-Hochstadt (STH), Allen Wirfs-Brock (AWB), Doug Crockford (DC), John Neumann (JN), Erik Arvidsson (EA), Dave Herman (DH), Norbert Lindenberg (NL), Oliver Hunt (OH)

link Scoping Rules for Global Lexical Declaration


  1. Global scoping var vs. let and const declarations var and function need to go on global object

  2. What do we do with new binding forms? (class, module, imports, let, const) Q. Should these become properties of the global object?

DH: Not sure a restriction is needed, the global scope is the global object in JavaScript. With modules, globals are less of a problem.

YK: (clarification)

AWB, DH, BE: (providing background, e.g. on temporal dead zone for let/const/classs

BE: Agree there needs to be some form of additional info not in property descriptor

ARB: Need additional static scope information e.g. for modules. Need additional dynamic information for temporal deadzone.

DH: If you drop the idea that let is always let everywhere. Questions whether let should be more like var at global scope.

ARB: Does not work for modules.

AR: Reasonable to say that the global scope is never finished and that properties can continue to be defined

AWB: An example.

A const declaration; it creates a property on the global object; it's not defined yet; Before it's initialized another piece of code sets the value - what happens?

DH: (board notes)

  1. 2 Contours, Nested "REPL"

  • var, function go in global
  • let, const, module, class... all get modeled lexically as usual in inner contour
  • each script's inner contour is embedded in previous script's inner contour
  1. 2 Contours, Not Nested "Uniform Let"

  • var, function, go in global
  • let, const, module, class... all get modeled lexically as usual in inner contour
  • each script's inner contour is "private" to that script
  1. 1 Contour, Global "Traditional"

  • var, function, let, const, module, class... everything is a property of the global object.
  • Additional scope refs in a side table of global, shared across scripts
  • each script updates the side table
  1. 2 Contours, Not Nested - Merged "Expando"

  • var, function, go in global
  • let, const, module, class... all lexical
  • each script updates lexical contour of previous scripts

AWB: "Expando" was previously agreed upon, where the additional layer of lexical scope is available but shared. (Notes that Andreas did not buy into this)

DH: Agrees. Explains where "Expando" fixes the problems of "Traditional".

| get x |
| set x |
| |---------|
| | x: let |

This would identify that "x" was declared with "let" and so forth.



let x;
var x;

"Expando" (#4) Makes this an error

link B.

let x = 1;

Ecma/TC39 Meeting – Jul 24 2012

link July 24 2012 Meeting Notes

Present: Yehuda Katz (YK), Luke Hoban (LH), Rick Waldron (RW), Alex Russell (AR), Tom Van Cutsem (TVC), Bill Ticehurst (BT), Brendan Eich (BE), Sam Tobin-Hochstadt (STH), Norbert Lindenberg (NL), Allen Wirfs-Brock (AWB), Doug Crockford (DC), John Neumann (JN), Oliver Hunt (OH), Erik Arvidsson (EA), Dave Herman (DH)


Discussion of proposed agenda.

Determine participants required for specific subjects.

July agenda adopted

May minutes approved

link 4.1 AWB Presents changes resulting in latest drafts

Draft related bug filing Increased community participation, a good thing Issue with numbers not matching duplicate filings, be aware

Quasi Literal added to specification Spec issues have arisen, will review

Initial work defining tail call semantics (still need to define tail positions in 13.7) What defines a "tail call" in ES Existing Call forms need to be specified in how they relate to tail positions. (call, apply, etc)

STH: Important that call and apply be treated as tail calls

YK: and accessors

STH: Agree.

...discussion of examples

AWB: Differences between accessor calls as they apply to proxy call traps, not definitively identifiable at syntax level. The function call operator and the call trap.

TVC: Proxy trap calls currently can never be in a tail position (except "apply" and "construct" traps)

STH: call should be in tail position. Clarification of known call site syntax, per spec.

link Consensus/Resolution

Anything that could invoke user written code in a tail position to act as a tail call.

call, apply, accessors, quasi (interpolation), proxy calls

We still need to specify the tail positions in the syntax. There's a start by DH on http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:proper_tail_calls which uses an attribute grammar, but the current spec draft leaves this blank.

Filed: https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=590

link 4.5 RegEx "Web Reality"


Introduction to discussion by Luke Hoban

LH: Attempted to write a guide to make regex specification match current implementation wherein order of production matters. See 15.10.1 Patterns in above link.

...Gives specfic examples from 15.10.1

Discussion between AWB and LH re: semantic annotations and redefinition.

YK: Do non-web implementations match current spec or web reality?

AR: Are there any non-web implementations?

YK: Rhino?

BE: matches reality because based on SpiderMonkey circa 1998

Test cases? Yes.

BT: Yes, cases exist in Chakra

LH: (Refers to examples)

NL: Do these affect unicode? We had agreement at previous meeting that web reality changes would not be applied in Unicode mode (/re/u).

LH: This is what regex is in reality... Waldemar did not want to specify because it's too hard to specify, but now the work is done

AWB: Too hard is not an excuse to not specify, good that the work is now done.

Discussion of "\u" in existing regex - \ug or \u{12} is interpreted, but differently than planned for Unicode mode

Trailing /u flag?

Makes grammar more complicated to have \u{...} only if /u flag used.

AWB: Three things to address: Web reality, Unicode support, new extensions

LH: /u the only way to opt-in to Unicode escapes with curlies, with Unicode extensions.

NL: need to reserve backslash with character for new escapes in the future, e.g. \p for Unicode character properties

OH: Fairly substantial regex in wild all created with RegExp constructor.

YK: Moving forward: Evangelize using Unicode and tacking "/u" onto all new regex?

BE, OH, AR: yes.

Decision: LH and NL to collaborate on integrated proposal

link 4.7 Adding forEach to Map and Set


Deferred, got to it on third day

link 4.9 getClassNameOf

BE: Recap, last meeting there was discussion about getting a strawman from YK

YK: I began specifying, but existing questions prevented

BE: some want to solve not only the typeof null problem, but also "array"

YK: What is the usecase for Object.isObject

DC: Polymorphic interface

AWB: "has properties"

RW: Similar to isNaN: isNull that is only for null

OH:(Reiterates that we cannot change typeof)

AWB: what is it about host (exotic) objects that need to be differentiated from native (ordinary) objects?

YK: Reclarification about things that are not objects (in the [object Object] sense) that say they are.

AWB: If we go down this path, can anyone redefine the return value

YK: My question is: either always return object Object, or let anyone change to return anything

AWB: Rephrase as "extending toString()". Removing [[Class]] from spec, but now as [[NativeBrand]]. The default: exactly as they are today. in ES6, if this property is defined, then use it, if not, use default.

Mixed discussion of real world uses of: Object.prototype.toString.call(o)

BE: 1JS Killed typeof null

BE, OH: Like the idea of a configurable property to define explicit value of brand

YK: why is what "toString" returns so important?

AR: 2 things:

  1. Fixing is not easy
  2. How to correctly fix w/o making more surface area for the wrong thing

link Consensus/Resolution

There is worry that changes to spec that affect the return of toString will have adverse impact on existing libraries and users when they encounter new runtime behaviours where the existing behaviour is expected.

Belief that we need a more flexible mechanism, whether it is AWB's configurable property that defaults when not explicitly set, or AR et al trait type test proposal.

BE, AWB: nominal type tests considered an anti-pattern per Smalltalk, but they happen in JS not only "because they can" -- sometimes because of built-ins you need to know

link 6 Internationalization Standard

Norbert Lindenberg: (Introduction and opening discussion)

Discussion, re: contributors

link 6.1 Last call for feedback before final draft

Function length values? Using ES5 section 15 rules would cause respecified functions like String.prototype.localeCompare to have larger length values; using ES6 rules would let them keep old values.

Leads into larger discussion about Function length property.

Decision: Apply ES6 rules to all functions in Internationalization API.

Numbering system, number formatting system. Would like to reference Unicode Technical Standard 35.

Outstanding issue:

If you have 4 different impls, 3 of them support a language that you want to support, how can you polyfill the 4th to support the language.

The constructor can re-declared?

link Conclusion/Resolution

There is no easy way currently, second version of Intl spec will address this.

Conformance tests being written for test262.

NL will have the final draft prepared for September meeting, but will produce drafts leading up to that meeting.

link 6.2 Microsoft and Google are implementing prototypes

link Unicode support


within curlies: any unicode code point value \u{nnn} so essentially three ways within string literal:

  • two old-style escapes, expressing utf16 encoding
  • two new-style escapes, expressing utf16 encoding
  • one new-style escape, expressing code point

BT: treating curlies as utf32 value? AWB: curlies contain code point value, which you could call utf32

DH: old-style escapes always are a single utf16 code unit, so always .length 1; new-style escapes always are a single Unicode code point, so may have .length 2

NL: "<>" = "\u{1F601}" = "\uD83D\uDE01" = "\u{D83D}\u{DE01}"

AWB: one point of controversy: what happens with utf16 escape sequences within identifiers

  • no current impl recognizes suppl pair escape sequences for suppl identifier characters
  • var <<wacky identifier>> = 12 -- is that a valid identifier?
  • var \u{<<wacky identifier code point>>} = 12 -- is that a valid identifier?

NL: and, for example, what if it goes in an eval?

DH: careful! difference between:

eval("var <<emoji>> = 6")
eval("var \uD83D\uDE01 = 6")
eval("var \\uD83D\\uDE01 = 6")

AWB: disallowed:

var \uD83D\uDE01 = 6 eval("var \\uD83D\\uDE01 = 6")


var \u{1F601} = 6 eval("var \\u{1F601} = 6")

DH: any reason to allow those?

YK: sometimes tools taking Unicode identifiers from other languages and translating to JS

DC: we have an opportunity to do this right; \u{...} is the right way to think of things

DH: we have eval in the language, so the language thinks of strings as UTF16 and should have a correspondence in the concept of programs

LH: there's just no strong argument for this inconsistency

DH: there's no real practical value for disallowing; there is potential harm for the inconsistency in causing confusion in an already-complicated space

DC: the only real value here is for attackers; no normal code uses this

BE: and maybe code generators

LH: it's just removing an inconsistency that could be a gotcha

LH: there isn't a codePointLength -- is that intentional?

AWB: since strings are immutable could be precomputed

DH: which is why you want it to be provided by the engine, so it can optimize (precompute, cache, whatever)

DH: should it be a function, to signal to programmer that it has a potential cost?

AR: but no other length is a function

DH: fair enough, just spitballing

AWB: what about code point iteration from end to beginning? and also codePointIndexOf? don't have those yet

link 4.1 (cont) Processing full Unicode Source Code

String Value

Conversion of the input program to code point sequence outside of standard

Trad. \uxxxx escapes represent a single char, creates a single BMP character, 16bit element

Issue: in string values, ?? (Etherpad is broken) === \u1F601 === \uD83D\uDE01 === \u{D83D}\u{DE01}. In identifiers, ?? === \u1F601 !== \uD83D\uDE01 !== \u{D83D}\u{DE01}. Inconsistency that's hard to explain to developers.

DC: This feature is more likely to be used by hackers than developers.


String.fromCodePoint (build string from integer values)

What's here, valid surrogate pair?

DH: Mixing the API levels is problematic, should it be scrapped?

...The problem in naming is the "At"

...If we're going to build code point abstractions, we really need a new data type.

NL: ICU has iterators for grapheme clusters, words, sentences, lines – all based on UTF-16 indices. Abstractions don't require different indices.

Need more here.

link 4.13 Destructuring Issues

A. Patterns discussion on es-discuss

Issue: ToObject() on the RHS? This is currenty specified and enables things like: let {concat, slice} = "";

This equivalence is desirable and maintain by the current spec:

let { foo } = { bar: 42 }
let foo = { bar: 42 }.foo;

A syntax for pattern matching against objects

match({ bar: 42 }) {
case { foo } { console.log("foo") }
default { console.log("no foo") }

let { ?foo } = {}
let ?foo = {}.foo // _wtf_

DH: Pure WAT. Let's pick the most common case and address that. You cannot presume to cover everyone's pet case

What is the right thing to do.

DH: Future pattern matching

LH: Reiteration of correct matching vs intention

More discussion, defer until AR is present

let { toString: num2str } = 42;
let num2str = (42).toString;

Consensus without AR is to impute undefined for missing property when destructuring, and if we add pattern matching, use different rules for patterns compared to their destructuring meaning.

BE talked to AR at dinner on day 2, thinks he heard this and may have agreed (to avoid breaking consensus). Need to confirm.

B. Defaults

Explicit undefined value triggerw use of default value initializer.

let foo = (x = 5) => x;
foo(undefined) // returns undefined by current draft
foo() // returns 5 by current draft

Issue: is this desirable? dherman and others think an explicit undefined should trigger use of default value. use case in support

function setLevel(newLevel=0) {light.intensity = newLevel}
function setOptions(options) {
setLevel(options.dimmerLevel); //missing prop returns undefined,
should use default

Note same rules are used for both formal parameter default values and destructuring default values.

let foo = (...x) => x.length;
foo(undefined) // 1
foo() // 0

Need summary. decision: change spec. to make undefine trigger use of default value.*

C. Unresolved issues related to iterator naming/access

  1. Be able to destructure things that did not opt-in
  2. No implicit coercion
  3. Array.from

spread works on array-like destructuring has rest pattern

import iterator from "@iter"
function list(x) {
return iterator in x ?
[ y for y of x ] :
[a, ...] = list(jQuery(selector));
[a, ...] = list([...]);
[a, ...] = list(function *() { ... });
f.call(f, ...args)
same as
f.apply(f, args);

link Consensus/Resolution

  • change spec. to make undefine trigger use of default value.

(DH) iterator is a unique name -- can't be public because iterable test not confined to for-of RHS

Destructing and spread - no iterator protocol. (return to existing draft semantics of arraylike — [Cannot be both iterable and array-like])

Array.from should... (this is a change to current specification)

  1. Attempt to use the iterable protocol, if cannot...
  2. Fall back to using Array-like protocol
  3. Always return a copy

(Filed: https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=588)

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jul 23 2012

July 23, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Attending: DaveMethvin, rwaldron, gnarf, timmywil, scott_gonzalez
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:


Landed gibson042 pulls

Switched to using Sizzle unit tests with Sizzle HTML

  • Easier to maintain
  • “Scoops out” main page HTML and replaces

jQuery 1.8RC1?

This week — Thursday?


What else needs to land?

  • Effects bug list is rather long (gnarf/timmywil reviewing)

MUST be released with jQuery UI 1.8.x refresh

  • scott_gonzalez to release this week