Testing Team Meeting – Nov 18 2011

Collaboration with BrowserStack is productive, jQuery Board got accounts, working on integrating that with TestSwarm, with Scott González leading that effort.

Working with Jonathan Sharp on improving jquery-mockjax (https://github.com/appendto/jquery-mockjax/). Moved docs to README on GitHub repo, integrated API docs there. Testsuite is much better shape, working with a few collaborators on fixes and enhancements.

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Nov 16 2011


  • Started new implementation of droppable
  • Added jQuery 1.7 support, waiting on 1.7.1 for core regression fixes
  • Fixed view.jqueryui.com to not require /branches or /tags directories


  • Review pull requests

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Nov 14 2011

November 14, 2011
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Time: Noon ET 

Official Agenda:

  • jQuery 1.7.1 Issues

  • Pull request process

    • Help is welcome but some PRs are more work than their value
    • How should we approach those? Leaving in the queue means they go stale
    • Ask ppl to engage us before making a PR?
    • Review current open PRs: https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pulls
  • Deprecation blog post feedback (Dave)

    • Followup blog post to address suggestions in blog comments

      • “Remove all IE support!”
      • “Break it into tiny little parts and have a download builder!”
      • “Wait until 2.0 to remove stuff”
      • “Make effects and/or ajax optional”
    • Need a a review to ensure we have marked deprecated in API docs (Dave)


jQuery UI Team Meeting – Nov 09 2011


  • Tags work on view.jqueryui.com again, but with an extra directory
  • Reviewed Hans' key handling for tabs


  • Dave Stein to start working on new droppable implementation
  • Scott to work on key handling for tabs
  • Scott to work on jQuery 1.7 support

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Nov 01 2011

October 31, Noon ET


jQuery UI Team Meeting – Oct 26 2011


  • Landed position fix for fraction support in 1-8-stable
  • Fixed focus/blur handling in mask tests


  • Clark to add tag support to view.jqueryui.com
  • Scott & Corey to fix focus/blur handling in all tests
  • Dave Stein to start working on new droppable implementation
  • Scott to implement key handling for tabs