Released QUnit 1.0.0 and created a Twitter account to do that and other announcements: (106 followers so far!)
Author Archives: builder
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Sep 14 2011
- Found someone to implement the new download builder: Nodejitsu
- Dan made view repo public
- Discussion about key commands for tabs (scheduled)
- Discussion with Nodejitsu about download builder (scheduled)
- Scott to release 1.9m6
- Scott to review Kris' fix for datepicker regression
- Corey to write tests for animations
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Sep 07 2011
- Kris to look into datepicker regression with close event
- Scott to look for someone to implement new download builder
- Organize meeting to discuss key commands for tabs
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Aug 17 2011
- 1.8.16 released
- Created (temp) repo to document the Widget Factory:
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Aug 03 2011
- Scott added all 1.8.x and 1.7.x releases to the CDN index
- Dan fixed all major issues with
- Scott landed jQuery 1.6.x support in 1-8-stable
- Scott added ability to run test suites against specific versions of jQuery
- Kris implemented smarter collision detection for the position utility
- Scott created a non-ul based autocomplete example for menu testing
- 1.8.15 released
- Dan to make repo for public
- Kris to update navigation menu demo
Testing Team Meeting – Jul 30 2011
- Ben Boyle prototyping Getting Started page for site:
- Subsuite runner (aka composite runner, runs a bunch of testsuite at once and outputs detailed results in the familiar interface) is work in progress:
- Chatted with John Bender (now at Adobe) for recruiting for testing team, focus on addon for state management and timing helpers
- Jonathan Buchanan commented on CLI integration, needs review:
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jul 27 2011
- Clark added directory listings to
- Richard started building an XML -> WordPress import script for API docs
- Scott updated widget factory demo to show how to work with generated elements
- Scott updated master to work with jQuery 1.6.2
- Scott created a compound test suite to run all tests from a single page
- Corey started tooltip animation tests
- Kris added a topalign demo for menu
- Clark to fix cronjob for and pull all branches
- Scott to update listing on
- Scott to update 1-8-stable for jQuery 1.6 support
- Corey to update widget animation tests
- Scott to create a non-ul based autocomplete example (for menu testing)
- Kris to work on smarter collision detection for position
Testing Team Meeting – Jul 24 2011
- Started jQuery Testing Team Skype group with Chad, Katie, Jens(?), …, Richard and Scott, with brief introductions for each
- Working on (better) runner/integration for PhantomJS, needs to adapt to latest API changes
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jul 20 2011
- Infrastructure tasks mostly stale, no update on listings (all UI versions), also no directory listing for Recruiting isn't happening either.
- Only small update on jquery-docs. Need to setup an actual site with docs for a single widget, with support for search, to ensure that the individual pieces are actually working.
- Lots of updates on Menu thanks to Kris Borchers. Tiny yet very annoying UI glitches fixed, method refactoring done (expand, collapse, collapseAll), now working on demos.
- Selectmenu still in discussion, some open issues left. Felix to look into them.
- Some updates happened for Tooltip thanks to contributions from Benjamin Sterling. Another update pending, probably adding a beforeOpen event.
- Datepicker: Hans submitted pull request for keyboard and ARIA implementation based on templated-prototype. Another update pending, including use of Popup for the popup-datepicker.
- The ARIA Hackathon got its own blog post.
Testing Team Meeting – Jul 15 2011
Continuing recruiting efforts, with people intersted on working on QUnit issues, TestSwarm issues, QUnit website and the Hudson-TestSwarm plugin, results pending.
Also used ARIA Hackathon and meetings around Toronto to recruit, including Mozilla.