jQuery Core Team Meeting – Sep 26 2016

Attending: timmywil, gibson042, markelog, dmethvin, mgol

Location: https://gitter.im/jquery/meeting

link 3.1.1 Released!

link 3.2 Planning

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Sep 21 2016

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Sep 19 2016

Attending: timmywil, DaveMethvin, jbedard, mgol, gibson042 Location: https://gitter.im/jquery/meeting

link 3.1.1

link 3.2

link Review API docs concerning removed APIs

  • mgol to open ticket

link TestSwarm fails in Edge 14

  • AJAX tests time out

link Release 3.1.1 this week

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Sep 14 2016

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Sep 12 2016

Attending: timmywil, markelog, dmethvin, mgol, gibson042 Location: https://gitter.im/jquery/meeting

link 3.1.1

link TestSwarm fails in Edge 14

  • AJAX tests time out

link Edge for Windows 10 Mobile will probably not be added to browserstack soon

  • Don’t worry about testing for now

link Finish up remaining 3.1.1 issues asap

PEP Team Meeting – Sep 08 2016

  • Need clarification on spec wording of "the element with the default touch behavior" for touch-action.
  • It’s not worth adding the passive event listeners because Safari will end up being the only browser without native PointerEvents and it doesn’t have native support for all touch-action values.
  • There’s nothing holding up the 0.4.2 release at this point.

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Sep 07 2016

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Aug 31 2016

  • Ticket triage
    • 437 tickets total, +0
    • 19 pull requests, +0
  • Spinner
  • Menu
  • Position
    • Fractional value detection is failing in Chrome
      • Just rip it out since it only applies to IE <=9
      • Scott to send a PR