jQuery Core Team Meeting – Aug 29 2016

Attending: timmywil, dmethvin, mgol, jbedard, markelog, gibson042

Location: https://gitter.im/jquery/meeting

link 3.1.1

link PRs

link TestSwarm fails in Edge 14 for two reasons:

  • AJAX tests time out

link Do we want to support Edge on Windows 10 Mobile?

  • Dave to talk to MS about intentions for Edge

link Finish up remaining 3.1.1 issues before Sept. 12

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Aug 22 2016

Attending: timmywil, jbedard, dmethvin, gibson042, markelog, mgol Location: https://gitter.im/jquery/meeting

link 3.1.1

link PRs

link TestSwarm fails in Edge 14 for two reasons:

link Finish up remaining 3.1.1 issues, release before Sept. 1

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Aug 17 2016

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Aug 15 2016

Attending: timmywil, gibson042, markelog Location: https://gitter.im/jquery/meeting

link 3.1.1

link TestSwarm fails in Edge 14 for two reasons:

link Release 3.1.1 next week

js-reporters Team Meeting – Aug 08 2016

IRC, Freenode, #jquery-meeting; attending: Jörn Zaefferer (project lead, GSoC mentor), Florentin Simion (GSoC student, working on js-reporters)

  • Last week:

    • Landed getters refactor, now ES5 compatible (with es5-shim)
    • Bugfix in QUnit adapter
    • Added testCounts property to suites, in spec and adapters
    • Dealing with rollup-plugin-babel regression
  • This week:

    • Finish spec update
    • Add examples to README
    • Release adapters and update browserstack-runner, with testCounts
    • Rebase QUnit implementation on top of their new ES6 modules, discuss using our TAP reporter

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Aug 08 2016

Attending: timmywil, markelog, DaveMethvin, gibson042, mgol, jbedard

link 3.1.1

link Issues needing review

link TestSwarm fails in Edge 14 for two reasons:

link Gitter

PEP Team Meeting – Aug 04 2016

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Aug 03 2016