jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jul 06 2016

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jul 04 2016

Attending: timmywil, markelog, m_gol, jbedard, gibson042

link Issues needing review

link 3.1.0 is next release

link Migrate

js-reporters Team Meeting – Jul 04 2016

12:00 UTC (noon), IRC, Freenode, #jquery-meeting; attending: Jörn Zaefferer (project lead, GSoC mentor), Florentin Simion (GSoC student, working on js-reporters)

  • First meeting!

  • Since the start of the program: Created an extensive testsuite to thoroughly test all 3 adapters. Rewrote all adapters, fixing a lot of bugs in the process. Meanwhile migrated from esperanto to rollup. Update tap-reporter to TAP 13, adding tests for that as well

  • Last week: Focus on getting js-reporters adapters into browserstack-runner. Discussed/reviewed issue in their existing tests. Trying to decide how to deal with older framework versions, built separate tests for those.

  • This week:

  • Later:

    • Address issues with nested suites and suite names
    • Reboot communication with Mocha and Jasmine
    • Implement js-reporters support in QUnit

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jun 30 2016

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 88 tickets (-23)
    • 7 pull requests (-1)
    • 4 blocker issues

link 1.5.0

PEP Team Meeting – Jun 30 2016

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jun 27 2016

Attending: DaveMethvin, m_gol, gibson042, markelog, jbedard

link Issues needing review

link Angular issue

link Should we move our wontfix page? (Dave)

link BrowserStack

link 3.0.1

link What is codacy-bot and why is it talking on our PRs?

link Migrate

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jun 23 2016

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 111 tickets (-28)
    • 8 pull requests (-1)
    • 4 blocker issues

link 1.5.0

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jun 16 2016

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 139 tickets (-21)
    • 9 pull requests (-2)

link 1.5.0

PEP Team Meeting – Jun 16 2016

  • Need a way to allow native scrolling while also doing custom multi-pointer gesture recognition
    • Perhaps add touch-action: single-point or similar
    • If the second pointer is delayed, only allow custom handling if scrolling has not begun
    • The spec currently states that this is explicitly out of scope: https://w3c.github.io/pointerevents/#h-note25
    • Alex will post a proposal to the public-pointer-events mailing list