- Ticket triage
- 437 tickets total, +3
- 21 pull requests, +3
- Tabs
- Hidden tabs can be navigated to via keyboard
- https://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/15013
- Automatically disabling tabs based on visibility would require additional complexity to track the fact that the tab is only disabled because it was hidden (so that it can automatically enabled when it becomes visible again)
- This doesn't seem worth the effort, the user should just manually disable the tabs
- Hidden tabs can be navigated to via keyboard
- Spinner
- Doesn't work with Globalize 1.x
- Selectmenu
- Doesn't work with numpad
- https://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/15031
- We're using
- We should stop using
since it's deprecated - Felix to send a PR
- Doesn't work with numpad
Author Archives: builder
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Aug 15 2016
Attending: timmywil, gibson042, markelog Location: https://gitter.im/jquery/meeting
link 3.1.1
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A3.1.1
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/3261 .not(arraylike) PR
- landed
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/3279 noConflict + AMD
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/3260 CDN .map
- Who wants this? Dave?
link TestSwarm fails in Edge 14 for two reasons:
- AJAX tests time out
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/3204
link Release 3.1.1 next week
js-reporters Team Meeting – Aug 08 2016
IRC, Freenode, #jquery-meeting; attending: Jörn Zaefferer (project lead, GSoC mentor), Florentin Simion (GSoC student, working on js-reporters)
Last week:
- Landed getters refactor, now ES5 compatible (with es5-shim)
- Bugfix in QUnit adapter
- Added testCounts property to suites, in spec and adapters
- Dealing with rollup-plugin-babel regression
This week:
- Finish spec update
- Add examples to README
- Release adapters and update browserstack-runner, with testCounts
- Rebase QUnit implementation on top of their new ES6 modules, discuss using our TAP reporter
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Aug 08 2016
Attending: timmywil, markelog, DaveMethvin, gibson042, mgol, jbedard
link 3.1.1
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A3.1.1
- https://github.com/jquery/sizzle/pull/384 :enabled/:disabled
- landed
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/3261 .not(arraylike) PR
- Dave will check comments and land
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/3253 ajax mangling PR
- landed
link Issues needing review
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/3251 $.fn.append may fail in Microsoft Edge
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/3238 animate with radius/FF
- Will not add support for animating attributes
- More SVG attributes will be settable in CSS soon
- Workaround: https://jsfiddle.net/bxmgqnq3/8/
link TestSwarm fails in Edge 14 for two reasons:
- AJAX tests time out
link Gitter
- This is the first meeting in gitter: https://gitter.im/jquery/meeting
- Archive: https://gitter.im/jquery/meeting/archives/2016/08/08
PEP Team Meeting – Aug 04 2016
- Use
to detect mouse events from touch events InputDeviceCapabilities.pointerMovementScrolls
- http://wicg.github.io/InputDeviceCapabilities/#dom-inputdevicecapabilities-pointermovementscrolls
- Let's say you have a carousel that you would swipe with a finger, but could select text with a mouse (and then use buttons to navigate). Instead of using
to detect that and limiting it totouch
, you could check if the pointer would normally cause scrolling.
- Adding direction-specific
- https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/6
- Edge has agreed to add them, but it will take them about a year.
- Changing pointer capture from a modification of event targeting to a modification of hit testing
- Chrome team will create a branch of the spec that changes the behavior
- Would like to see implicit capture for all pointer types, but there is concern from others that implicit capture for mouse will break the web
- https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/125
- Created a Chrome extension to mimic implicit capture
- Adding events around
style- https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/124
- So you can programmatically detect if a button would still be clicked if you released the pointer, based on how much movement has occurred since pressing down
will now always be delayed until the next pointermove.gotpointercapture
will always copy their properties from the event that caused them to be fired.- New method:
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Aug 03 2016
- Ticket triage
- 434 tickets total, +5
- 18 pull requests, +2
- Download Builder
- All recent issues have been fixed
- npm/browserify/webpack
- works differently than before (intentionally)
- https://github.com/jquery/jqueryui.com/issues/150
- Jörn documented the upgrade path
- https://github.com/jquery/jqueryui.com/commit/b083b13fd8f6377909813ae2d6c7de1476225ade
- Checkboxradio
- Radio checkmarks are only visible on hover
- https://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/15003
- Alex fixed this
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/pull/1725
- Tabs
- Hidden tabs can be navigated to via keyboard
- https://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/15013
- Scott sent a PR to detect hidden tabs during navigation and skip them
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/pull/1724
- Decided to implement this as part of
and auto-disable hidden tabs
- Resizable
- Support for flexbox
- https://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/14997
- Bad test case; flexbox works just fine when the CSS isn't fighting against the widget
js-reporters Team Meeting – Aug 01 2016
IRC, Freenode, #jquery-meeting; attending: Jörn Zaefferer (project lead, GSoC mentor), Florentin Simion (GSoC student, working on js-reporters)
Last week:
This week:
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Aug 01 2016
Attending: timmywil, markelog, DaveMethvin, gibson042, m_gol
link 3.1.1
- https://github.com/jquery/sizzle/pull/384 :enabled/:disabled
- Dave working on https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/3226 (not(arraylike)) and https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/3229 (ajax cache)
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/3251 ($.fn.append may fail in Microsoft Edge)
link Issues needing review
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/3238 animate with radius/FF
- Do we allow animating properties?
link PRs
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/3247 gruntfile/eslint
- Just wrap in runIfNewNode
link Wontfix wiki page
- Looks good
- Dave to add pointer from old page
link Migrate
- Approach for deprecated APIs in 3.2? Just warn and let them pass through, or warn and fill (and run unit tests?)
- Resolved: just warn, don't fill or move/copy unit tests from core
- APIs removed in core 4.0 can be filled in migrate 4.0
link Consider using Gitter instead of IRC
- Doing next meeting in gitter: https://gitter.im/jquery/jquery/meeting
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jul 25 2016
Attending: timmywil, m_gol, DaveMethvin, jbedard
link 3.1.1
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A3.1.1
- Gibson to have a patch for #3224 this week
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/3226 needs assignment
link Run tests on a slim, selector-native, ready-no-deferred builds
- Set up periodic jobs for these builds
- Build commands: slim is built with the default, grunt custom:-sizzle, grunt custom:-deferred
link PRs
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/1612 go bootstrap?
- Reported to GitHub
link Migrate
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-migrate/pull/212 migrateWarnFunc
- Needs review
js-reporters Team Meeting – Jul 25 2016
12:00 UTC (noon), IRC, Freenode, #jquery-meeting; attending: Jörn Zaefferer (project lead, GSoC mentor), Florentin Simion (GSoC student, working on js-reporters)
Last week:
- browserstack-runner PR got merged!
- Christoph Hiller (@boneskull) is contributing! Interested in integrating js-reporters in Mocha. Already helped review/design assertions properties.
- Implemented fullName prop, array with suite and test names, empty array for global suite
This week: