Chassis Team Meeting – Apr 26 2016

  • Lint : Minor Typo fix
  • Ask for rebase, to fix travis issues, then pull in
  • [WIP] Tables: Table styling
  • Away on vacation last week
  • Images : Basic styling
  • Pull in, good base for variables
  • Grunt: 'grunt watch' runs all tasks at beginning
  • Pulled In
  • Grunt: grunt-watch now detects variable changes
  • Squash into one commit, then sfrisk will pull it in
  • Initial files and initial demo styles added (input styling)
  • Needs styling for other inputs, text area
  • Include labels in demo
  • Testing: Added Pure for sass unit testing #35
  • Wait on having some more sass to figure out how best to use this
  • Typography: Added basic styles for paragraphs and lists
  • sfrisk added some comments
  • Accessibility testing
  • Good to pull in, but needs some master merging help

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 25 2016

Attending: markelog, m_gol, DaveMethvin, gibson042

link Upgrade Guide

link 1.12.4/2.2.4

link 3.0

link Migrate

PEP Team Meeting – Apr 21 2016

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 18 2016

Attending: timmywil, markelog, m_gol, DaveMethvin, gibson042

link Upgrade Guide

link 1.12.4/2.2.4

link 3.0

link JSHint, JSCS, ESLint

  • Should we switch to ESLint completely?

link Issues needing review

  • # in selectors
    • No revert
    • “be more careful with code changes that may introduce exceptions on invalid input, during code review, but not have a policy to test for invalid input”
    • “it doesn't mean we're not going to introduce exceptions, but we can make sure people have warning.” Moving an exception to major version may be appropriate.
  • Remove default Deferred callback context
    • Yes

link Migrate

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Apr 14 2016

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 289 tickets (+4)
    • 5 pull requests (+1)

link 1.5.0

Chassis Team Meeting – Apr 12 2016

  • Pulled in
  • [WIP] Tables: Table styling
  • In progress, udate next week
  • RTL : Added CSSjanus to build process
  • Updated code currently merges the rtl and ltr css files together, doubling the file size.
  • Need to handle possible icon flipping
  • Need to have some elements be flippable, but some should not
  • CSSJanus might not be our best solution - might want to go custom instead of automatic
  • Images : Basic styling
  • Review changes
  • How goes UI library for components
  • Some dribble collection work has started
  • Grunt: 'grunt watch' runs all tasks at beginning
  • Should be good to go

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 11 2016

Attending: m_gol, gibson042, markelog, dmethvin, timmywil

link Upgrade Guide

link 3.0

link PRs

link Migrate