jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Mar 03 2016

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 285 tickets (+1)
    • 29 pull requests (-2)

link 1.5.0

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Mar 02 2016

Chassis Team Meeting – Mar 01 2016

  • jQuery Foundation has been accepted into Google Summer of Code! Yay!
  • Typography
  • Need to add basic styling for p, ol, li, ul tags. PR for this to be submitted later this week based of the typography pr currently being worked on by geekman-rohit
  • Outline should be styled so they're consistent for all browsers
  • JSASS Style Guide
  • General rule moving forward - double quotes and hyphens for variable names so it is similar to how we name things in scss.
  • Need to update JSASS variable tooling, right now files are compiled alphabetically, which was a problem for buttons since it was being compiled before colors or typography
  • Variables: Initial pass on button variables
  • Center buttons vertically in Firefox.
  • Make the default button state change more obvious
  • Once this is done, commit
  • Typography: Add Variables One small commit needed from geekman-rohit to follow the JSASS style guide, then good to pull in.
  • Table Styling
  • kristyjy to start work on that this week
  • HTML 4 Inputs
  • sfrisk has started working on this. To be submitted for PR later this week

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Feb 29 2016

Attending: timmywil, DaveMethvin, m_gol, markelog, gibson042

link Deprecate <1.11 npm versions

  • Syntax: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/deprecate
  • "Versions of the jquery npm package older than 1.9.0 are patched versions that don't work in web browsers. Please upgrade to >=1.11.0."
  • Look into which of the latest versions do work on web browsers
  • It should be: old Node-based <=1.8, new ours >=1.11 but 1.9.1 has been published 2 months after 1.11.1, what’s up about that?
    • I recall publishing an older version because it was completely absent.

link Issues needing review

link PRs

link Migrate

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Feb 25 2016

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 284 tickets (+3)
    • 31 pull requests (-2)

link 1.5.0

jQuery Content Team Meeting – Feb 24 2016

  • Ticket Triage: 280 (issues +PR) (-6)
  • Attending: Anne, Karl, Aurelio

link Content

  • UI produced api docs for 1.12. Anne going through to check the example fit in their frames
    • Completed and Scott updated the frame sizes
  • A few issues raised with SVG and jQuery. We need to make it clear to users that jQuery doesn’t support SVG even if some things will work.
  • GSOC 16
    • We will propose the Interactive tutorial project that we had to take out last year when we were only allocated 3 slots.
    • Proposal sent as part of the jQuery Foundation GSOC16
    • Aurelio and Anne to co-mentor and will meet to finalise plans as soon as we hear that we can go ahead.

Chassis Team Meeting – Feb 23 2016

  • Phase One
  • Milestone tags have been placed on all phase one issues. For contributors looking for something to work on, those are top priority.
  • Typography: Add Variables
  • Review updated changes. geekman-rohit has some variable additions to add in, then it's good for pulling in.
  • Variables: Initial pass on button variables
  • Please review for any additional changes besides avoiding overwriting of some styles and dependence on cascading for button bars.
  • HTML 4 Inputs
  • sfrisk has started working on this.

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Feb 22 2016

Attending: timmywil, DaveMethvin, gibson042, markelog

link 1.12.1 / 2.2.1

link Migrate 1.3.1

  • Release by Thursday

link Issues needing review

link PRs

link Migrate