Chassis Team Meeting – Jan 19 2016

  • Typography: Add Variables #139
  • Initial pass committed, open for discussion. Decided to put anything that might be opinionated design wise into a variable, similar to what has been done so far on the buttons PR
  • Buttons PR is now up on
  • sfrisk to do a palette commit to nail down basic colors and their active/hover/focus/disabled colors, since trying to adjust colors programmatically didn't look very good.
  • kristjy to move current draft of the scss style to a google doc so the team can contribute, with the goal of having a finalized version of that up for next meeting

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jan 18 2016

Attending: timmywil, markelog, DaveMethvin, gibson042, m_gol

link Migrate 3.0 status?

  • add the version warning to the existing 1.3.0 and encourage users to upgrade to latest 1.12/2.2

link Migrate 3.0 tickets

link Issues needing review

  • Deferred to next week

link Current failures on master

  • None

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jan 13 2016

  • Ticket triage
    • 403 tickets total, +0
    • 27 pull requests, -1
  • Datepicker
    • Felix working on accessibility issues
    • Need to figure out how to handle multi-month calendars
  • Upgrade Guide, API docs
    • Just $.fx.step.clip left
  • 1.12.0-beta.1
    • Need to deploy new API site
    • Download Builder is ready for release
    • Changelog is finished

Testing Team Meeting – Jan 13 2016


  • event-emitter:
    • currently stalled (missing dedicated time)
    • needs to detach node grunt process to another PR
    • needs to complete PR with events details
  • deprecation warnings:
  • before/after PR:
  • contributors and members:
    • Mixed is helping a lot, it's good to call him for more contributions.
    • Raphamorim expressed a will to contribute frequently, needs some guidance on code style and current issues.
    • Let's try async meetings on emails?
  • QUnit release
    • testing and releasing a new version (patch/minor?) before the before/afer PR
    • main reason: time. I (Leo) don't want to wait so long between releases. It's also easier to detect regressions.
  • js-reporter: needs update
  • node-qunit: needs update

Chassis Team Meeting – Jan 12 2016

  • Build: Upgrade JSCS
  • Pull in as is
  • Build: add accessibility testing
  • Merge Conflict with master, need to test with current master status
  • sfrisk is working on merging this in with current master
  • Discussed that a designer may be useful in helping come up with an overall design guide.
  • Style Guide: Initial commit of SCSS style guide
  • come up a list of the CSS items we want to add to the CSS style guide

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jan 11 2016

Attending: timmywil, DaveMethvin, markelog, m_gol

link 2.2/1.12 released!

  • The internet hasn’t blown up. Yay!
  • 1.12/2.2 docs merged
  • migrate status? Needs a release for 1.12/2.2.

link Sizzle update committed to jQuery

link show/hide progress

link $.when + progress

  • Assigned to Dave

link Migrate

link Issues needing review

link PRs

link Branches

  • compat removed!

  • Another review of tickets/PRs with a 3.0.0 milestone that might need moving to 1.12/2.2 to be done by m_gol

link Current failures on master

  • None

PEP Team Meeting – Jan 07 2016