jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jan 07 2016

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 276 tickets (+2)
    • 35 pull requests (+2)

link 1.5.0

  • jQuery UI
    • released beta
  • Blog Post
    • release info blog post planned for monday
    • ie drop tuesday
  • Selectmenu
    • still using deprecated pagehide in page
      • going to buy down and leave for now
  • Table
    • waiting on updates from cgack
  • Panel
    • PR from apsedhel
      • waiting on review

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jan 06 2016

  • Ticket triage
    • 403 tickets total, +5
    • 28 pull requests, -0
  • Datepicker
    • Felix working on accessibility issues
    • Need to figure out how to handle multi-month calendars
  • Upgrade Guide, API docs
    • Just $.fx.step.clip left
  • stage.api.
    • Stage site is fixed
  • 1.12.0-beta.1
    • Actual release happend in December
    • Need to deploy new API site
    • Need to update download builder
    • Need to finish changelog
  • Trac
    • Working through email configuration
    • Need to make sure team members are notified for all changes
  • Drop IE8 support?
    • Yes; drop IE8, IE9, IE10

Project Leads Meeting – Jan 06 2016

Attending: Timmy, Sarah, Scott, Leo, Alex, Dylan

link Core

link UI

  • Finishing up 1.12.0-beta.1 release
    • Actual release is done
    • Upgrade guide is done
    • Blog post is ready
    • Finishing up changelog
    • Need to update download builder
    • Need to deploy new API site

link Mobile

  • Not much progress over holiday
  • Finishing blog post for status update on project before beta is ready
    • plan to release a day or 2 after ui beta is announced
  • Several new contributors popping up over the last month

link Chassis

  • Phase One Completion Date of March 8th
  • Winter Wrap Up: cleaned up all currently open PRs, closed all old PRs/out of date PRs, followed up on items. Figuring out which issues are now available for people to work.
  • Should be pulling in the accessibility testing PR in today

link QUnit

link PEP

  • Nothing over the holidays
  • Webkit touch action!!
    • not as good as it sounds yet

link Globalize

  • No update

link Dojo

link Intern

  • Working on a handful of open issues
  • Colin has been working on a TypeScript refactor as a possible 4.0 release.

link Board

  • No update

Chassis Team Meeting – Jan 05 2016

Attending: sfrisk, arschmitz

Winter Wrap Up: The Pull Request Edition Part 2

  • Variables: Initial pass on button variables
  • basic pass on buttons with placeholder colors, covers sizes and colors
  • merge into a branch to show on views.css-chassis.com for next week
  • Build: Upgrade JSCS
  • need to add Indentation validation
  • [WIP] Add jsass variables to typography
  • It's been almost 2 months since an update, still unfinished. Close this and let someone else work on it.
  • [WIP] table styling
  • It's been almost 2 months since an update, still unfinished. Close this and let someone else work on it.
  • Progress and Meter styling
  • geekman-rohit currently working on this
  • Build: add accessibility testing
  • Merge Conflict with master, need to test with current master status
  • sfrisk is working on merging this in with current master

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jan 04 2016

Attending: timmywil, DaveMethvin, gibson042, markelog, m_gol

link 2.2/1.12 status

link Sizzle

  • Released! Need to land in master

link show/hide progress?

  • last thing for gibson042

link Issues needing review

link PRs

link Branches

  • compat to be removed when 1.12-stable is verified/released

link Current failures on master

  • None

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Dec 21 2015

Attending: timmywil, gibson042, DaveMethvin, markelog, m_gol

link Blog post first draft is ready

link 2.2/1.12 status

link Sizzle

  • gibson to push a minor version bump including Sizzle.escape
  • Need a release

link show/hide progress?

  • In progress. Sizzle release first.

link Issues needing review

link PRs

link Current failures on master

  • None

PEP Team Meeting – Dec 17 2015

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Dec 17 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 274 tickets (+0)
    • 33 pull requests (+4)

link 1.5.0

  • 1.5-dev
  • ui 1.12
    • beta unblocked
      • polishing blog post for mobile to go with
  • Table
    • Cory cherry-picked gabriels table-review branch and is working on tests
      • in progress, Alex reviewing
  • pagecontainer
  • Bootstrap
    • Tests passing, each of tests updated to use bootstrap except events
      • Waiting on events and navigation shifts
  • selectmenu
    • need to separate tests into backcompat and non-backcompat
      • one more small update
  • demo issues
  • iOS 9
    • Going to see if just switching to push state will fix this
      • alex going to find old branch with this change
        • iOS 9.2 fixes this

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Dec 16 2015

  • Ticket triage
    • 398 tickets total, +1
    • 28 pull requests, -0
  • Datepicker
    • Felix working on accessibility issues
    • Need to figure out how to handle multi-month calendars
  • Upgrade Guide, API docs
    • Just $.fx.step.clip and $.effects.getBaseline() left
  • stage.api.
    • Adam and Scott investigated deployment issues
    • Config was pointing to an old server
    • Adam updated config for all sites to pont to the new server
    • WordPress 4.4 introduced a change that broke node-wordpress
    • Scott is working on a fix
  • Trac
    • Working through email configuration
    • Need to make sure team members are notified for all changes
  • Drop IE8 support?
    • Site deployment issues pushed the release back pretty far
    • Won't get a stable release out before Microsoft drops support for IE 8
    • Not enough team members to make a decision

jQuery Content Team Meeting – Dec 16 2015

  • Ticket Triage (Issues + PR):
    • 278 (-2)
  • Attending: Arthur, Anne, Aurelio, Karl

link api.jquery.com

link Content:

link Ongoing issues

  • Aurelio fixed issues with the WP website (PRs have been and are being reviewed)
    • https://github.com/jquery/jquery-wp-content/pull/374 still needs to be reviewed
      • Karl reviewed
        • seems like there are still some issues with the width / padding / negative margins at various breakpoints.
        • Aurelio’s PR fixes some of the issue. Karl will take it from here and add additional fixes.
  • New grunt-jquery-content feature allows to set up redirects in the repo (redirects.json)
  • Status on the http -> https redirects?
  • Date of next meeting: 13th January 2016