Attending: Timmy, Scott, Alex, Jörn, Sarah, Gabriel, Leo
- First priority is to release minor version updates to 1.x and 2.x, with only the high priority bug fixes and no feature additions or breaking changes. We hope to have this done asap.
- Release jQuery 3.0 on January 12, same day as Microsoft’s announced date to drop support for IE8. Lodash will also release on this day. We want to make an online event out of it. #dropIE8day or something
- Follow up with Mozilla on desired DOM API changes (
- exposing the style cascade for show/hide
- test focusin/focusout support
- more (e.g., resolved values) from getComputedStyle
- any more?
- Talking about including some sort of semver designation in commit messages (PATCH, MINOR, MAJOR) or (Breaking Change, Feature Addition).
- Add to commitplease for verification
- Maybe a check in the release script to ensure the “next” version is appropriate
- Getting very close to 1.12.0 beta, aiming for this week
- Doing final review of button, checkboxradio, and controlgroup
- button API docs and upgrade guide mostly done
- download builder mostly working, needed lots of fixes to better deal with CSS dependencies, new directory structure, and core splitup
- landed ui accordion
- landed collapsible updates
- Navbar just about ready to land
- Selectmenu close
- Tests almost ready to switch to amd bootstrapper
- started by GSoC
- Gabriel finishing
- getting closer to 1.5
- switching work back to master
- Have a new meeting time, so everyone can show up again! (2PM ET, Tuesday)
- Has been updated on jQuery Meeting Site
- jQuery Dev Summit was a bit of success for Chassis, we had a lot of commits, and some interactions on the Issues/PRs since then
- Working on going over these commits to help keep communication going
- Decided to move the hackathon weekend to a different weekend (originally scheduled same weekend as css conf)
- JSASS style guide to be started to get some consistency in variable declarations
- Helps makes things easier for contributors
- Add notes about JSASS to readme
- Also add a note that they don’t need to run performance tests
- Released 1.20.0, adds support for nested modules and QUnit.only to do source-based filtering of tests to run
- Working on new event interface, while discussing js-reporters and TAP (2.0 Milestone)
- The team joined kof/node-qunit, if we get working actively here we could try to make this a jQuery Foundation project
- QUnit might use lodash (deepEqual, Object create, etc) and bundle it with webpack/browserify. Mostly a build issue, since we currently don’t have external dependencies.
- Did ticket triage today, closed some duplicates.
- Will release 0.4.0 soon, fixes npm package and some bugs
link Globalize
- Rafael is presenting Globalize at the Unicode conference for the 2nd time, adding more people to javascript-globalization mailing list