Testing Team Meeting – Oct 21 2015

  • Tickets triage
    • 39 open issues, 2 new, 1 new already closed
    • 3 open pull requests, 1 new, 5 new already closed
  • QUnit
    • For the jQuery Summit we did a triage closing some issues.
    • 2 new PRs from the jQuery Summit already merged. Thanks @rdugue and @arghgr!
    • We started using waffle.io, seems fine so far: https://waffle.io/jquery/qunit
    • @gibson042 is now a team member. Welcome!
      • Waiting his update on qunitjs.com/about to announce on twitter.
    • @leobalter will finish the work on the logging interface at jquery/qunit#644
    • We will investigate how to bring LoDash's _.isEqual to replace deepEqual, probably bundling QUnit using webpack or browserify. That opens the path to use other methods like _.create. Ref jquery/qunit#865 and jquery/qunit#869
  • js-reporters
    • Fixed a build process.
    • no more updates

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Oct 21 2015

  • Ticket triage
    • 403 tickets total, -3
    • 27 pull requests, +2
  • Button
    • Alex to go through all tickets to verify fixes
  • Datepicker
    • CLDR discussion went well, we have a plan to move forward
    • We will bundle pre-compiled formatters and allow users to select locales in download builder

Project Leads Meeting – Oct 14 2015

Attending: Timmy, Alex, Scott, Leo, Sarah

link Core

link UI

  • Button landed in master
  • Making progress on datepicker
    • CLDR discussion this Friday
  • Beta coming soon

link Mobile

  • No update

link Chassis

  • Quiet two weeks, ended up moving meeting time back to 2pm on Chassis so everyone can show up, since pretty much the entire team got new jobs and no one could make the meeting anymore.
  • Finalizing details on Chassis Hack weekend after jQuery Summit.
  • Have a basic list of things to work on jQuery Summit/Chassis Hack Weekend, hoping to find some more contributors

link QUnit

  • Nested modules is merged and about to be released on 1.20.0
  • Currently working on Event Emitters to integrate QUnit with js-reporters and land different reporters on QUnit.
  • 2 qunit-migrate tools being built, one issue to merge them with collaborative work (#868)
  • with js-reporters we will be ready to release 2.0.0, which is pretty exciting.

link PEP

  • Working on adding more W3C test coverage

link Globalize

  • No update

link Board

  • No update

link Other

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Oct 14 2015

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Oct 12 2015

Attending: timmywil, DaveMethvin, m_gol, gibson042, markelog

link Issues needing review

link PRs

link Edge meeting

link Current failures on master and compat

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Oct 07 2015

Testing Team Meeting – Oct 07 2015

  • Ticket triage
    • 50 issues total
    • 5 pull requests
  • QUnit
    • Nested modules and QUnit.config.collapse are ready and will be landed with a new release for them
    • Leo is writing a blog post about the nested modules.
    • 2.0 Milestone is one step away (standard reporter interface for js-reporters)
    • Leo will work on a follow up for James' Event emitter PR (docs needed as well) based on js-reporters specs.
    • With the event emitters we will be able to test js-reporters along.
    • as QUnit.on, QUnit.register or QUnit.reporter is better than a QUnit.config.reporter.
    • We've got a few bugs on the way. (#870 is a recent regression).
    • QUnit.only is not a blocker for the 2.0 Milestone (it does not break anything).
  • js-reporters
    • We need more collaborators.
    • Bringing it to the jQuery Foundation might help.
    • We should also bring js-reporters to other test frameworks.

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Oct 05 2015

Attending: timmywil, markelog, DaveMethvin, gibson042, m_gol

link PRs

link Current failures on master and compat

PEP Team Meeting – Oct 01 2015

  • Chorded buttons
    • W3C PR landed
    • PEP PR landed
  • Problems with npm package
  • Functional tests landed in master
    • Need to figure out why the test in question is passing with the current implementation
    • Scott to review all tests to verify that the movements are correct based on new knowledge of how the movements work
  • vacuumTouches

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Oct 01 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 249 tickets (+0)
    • 29 pull requests (+0)

link 1.5.0

link Other Topics