jQuery Core Team Meeting – Feb 20 2023

Attending: timmywil, mgol, gibson042

Location: https://app.gitter.im/#/room/#jquery_meeting:gitter.im

link 3.6.4 Release

  • All issues closed
  • Blog post almost done
  • Remove the change from 3.7.0 and 4.0.0 changelogs

link Issues

link Mastodon account

link Swarm check

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Feb 13 2023

Attending: timmywil, mgol, gibson042

Location: https://app.gitter.im/#/room/#jquery_meeting:gitter.im

link Issues

link Milestone review

link Mastodon account

link Swarm check

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jan 30 2023

Attending: timmywil, mgol, gibson042

Location: https://gitter.im/jquery/meeting

link Issues

link Swarm check

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jan 23 2023

Attending: timmywil, mgol, gibson042

Location: https://gitter.im/jquery/meeting

link Issues

link Swarm check

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jan 09 2023

Attending: timmywil, mgol, gibson042

Location: https://gitter.im/jquery/meeting

link 3.6.3

  • Released!

link Issues

link Other repos

  • will use "Needs Review" and "Discuss in Meeting" labels on other jquery repos

link Swarm check

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Dec 19 2022

Attending: timmywil, mgol, gibson042

Location: https://gitter.im/jquery/meeting

link Next meeting Jan. 9, 2023

link 3.6.2

  • Released!

link Issues

link Swarm check

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Dec 12 2022

Attending: timmywil, mgol, gibson042, krinkle

Location: https://gitter.im/jquery/meeting

link 3.6.2

  • Release today

link Issues

link Other topics

  • We need to decide on infra topics we’d like to be financed by the OpenSSF grant

link Swarm check