jQuery Core Team Meeting – Sep 14 2015

Attending: timmywil, markelog, gibson042, m_gol

link Issues needing review

link PRs

link Current failures on master and compat

link Communication with the Edge team

  • focus(in | out) support detection and implementation according to W3C standard
  • iframe security issue

link “defaultDisplay" blog post

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Sep 09 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 248 tickets (+3)
    • 29 pull requests (+7)

link 1.5.0

link Other Topics

jQuery Content Team Meeting – Sep 09 2015

  • Ticket Triage (Issues + PR):
    • 266 (+7)
  • Attending: Arthur, Aurelio, Karl, Alex, Anne

link Content:

  • Mobile Api docs will need to be updated to core 1.11.1 for mobile 1.4.5
  • New grunt-jquery-content feature allows to setup redirects in the repo (redirects.json)
    • Arthur working on moving all redirects from the infrastructure repo to the repos
    • Example: api.qunitjs.com/pull/108
    • Should be finished soon as there are only a few sites to go
  • Status on the http -> https redirects?
    • We should implement
    • issues with mixed content so we need to make sure that refs to http are changed to https
  • Globalizejs docs: a new contributor has offered to help :-)

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Sep 09 2015

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Sep 02 2015

Project Leads Meeting – Sep 02 2015

Attending: Sarah, Timmy, Scott, Gabriel, Rafael, Richard

link Core

link UI

link Mobile

  • Selectmenu, table, and panel need updates for classes option
  • Working on update to handle UI’s core breakup

link Chassis

  • After a lot of discussion regarding naming conventions with BEM, decided to go with a ‘BE M M M M’ naming convention, where modifiers are their own separate classes to make sure that elements with multiple modifiers aren’t a complete headache
  • This means that a few ongoing PRs need to be redone, currently in the process of doing that, and stuff should be up for review by next week

link QUnit

  • Released 1.19.0 with support for Map and Set in equal assertion

link PEP

  • Getting more frequent bug reports, which means we must be gaining users :-)

link Globalize

link Other

  • Edge added to TestSwarm for jQuery Core and jQuery UI

Chassis Team Meeting – Sep 01 2015

Attending Members: sfrisk, kristyjy, geekman-rohit, arthurvr

Current PRs

  • Localize downloads
  • almost done, will be updated in a day or two
  • Buttons: Initial pass at buttons, covering sizes, options, disabled, active, focus, and hover states
  • sfrisk is working on a second pass at this, using the new agreed about style for BEM discussed in last meeting
  • Table styling
  • open for someone to take over this
  • Progress and Meter styling
  • geekman-rohit is working on a second pass at this, using the new agreed about style for BEM discussed in last meeting

PRs for sfrisk to pull in

  • Build: Fix jscs lint errors in task files
  • [hidden] { display: none !important; }

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Aug 31 2015

Attending: timmywil, markelog, DaveMethvin, arthurvr, gibson042, m_gol

link Issues needing review

link Current failures on master and compat

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Aug 27 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 245 tickets (-6)
    • 22 pull requests (+0)

link 1.5.0

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Aug 26 2015