jQuery UI Team Meeting – Nov 07 2012

  • Planning 1.9.2 in December.
  • Working on multiple version support for download builder.
    • Must be able to download 1.9.x and 1.10.x.
  • Reviewed all old content from MediaWiki.
    • Old upgrade guides will be moved to jqueryui.com.
    • Theming info will move to the new learning site.
    • Getting started guide will move to the new learning site.
  • Deleted all files from SVN trunk and branches to avoid any confusion if someone stumbles upon the old Google Code project.
  • Almost done with triage backlog.
  • Need to setup 1-9-stable to run in TestSwarm.
  • Need to investigate viability of using CSS clip for effects.

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Nov 05 2012

November 5, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Attending: DaveMethvin, gibson042, gnarf, mikesherov, timmywil
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

jQuery 1.8.3 – Back on again, animation bug

  • Next week


Using github issues to track bugs

still rough and unfinished, patches and updates welcome


Filter out warnings for .min version

Update QUnit

Add other deprecated items or warnings

  • Note the warning for Quirks for example


Create a tiny-plugin or one-liner repo?

  • put in our own private repos, e.g., dmethvin/jquery-arrayops

Mergatron status? middle of this week sez mikesherov

Speed tests, mikesherov to blow off the old stuff?

  • rwaldron to revive dromeo,dromeaaaaao, dave to bug

Assigned tickets review for 1.9

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Nov 01 2012

  • Attending: Todd Parker, John Bender, Jasper de Groot, Jason D Scott, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Gabriel Schulhof, Alex Schmitz, Ralph Whitbeck

link Todd

  • Good progress on 1.3 features
  • New API site and demos to replace current demos & docs - need to discuss a plan and timing - can we hit this for 1.3?
  • How to better document the nav model in the new API style - John Bender to work with Anne on this. Move the nav stuff out of core to better isolate?
  • Corner radii being standardized with the controlgroup - now all use button radii. Need to discuss impact
  • Can we package the AJAX anv model more cleanly so it’s not part of core and just a plugin? John Bender to look at this, will help Anne with how to document

link John Bender

  • Progress continuing on navigate event integration into existing nav code
    • corner cases abound
    • 50% of the tests passing

link Jasper de Groot

link Anne-Gaelle Colom

  • 15 new resources on the resources page
  • Experienced with automatically generated examples in the API docs and discovered issues there (Buttons vs buttonMarkup)
  • Proof reading of new table docs
  • minor corrections to existing docs and api docs
  • We need a list of what else needs to be documented (via issues on https://github.com/jquery/api.jquerymobile.com/)

link Gabriel Schulhof

link Ghislain Seguin

link Alexander Schmitz

  • finished workarounds extension. TODO: Finish testing before merge.
  • Solving device bugs issue #1 and issue #4337 has exposed Another Fixed issue. This one involves jqm not the browser though. Merge workarounds and open new issue or hold off and see what i can come up with on new issue?
  • Made ios homescreen demo for ui-sortable integration.
  • Finishing more demos.
  • Triage. Under 300 issues WOO HOO!!
  • Presentation for jQuery Asia (Looking for the most common problems you see people run into!)

link Ralph Whitbeck

  • Working on jQuery Mobile talk for jQuery Asia

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Oct 31 2012

  • Released 1.9.1.
  • Fixed demo titles on jqueryui.com, along with proper sorting.
  • Working on dialog redesign.
  • Migrated old changelogs to new site.
  • Added option and method examples to API site.
    • Working on events next.
  • Making good progress on ticket triaging.
    • Down to 173 ticket with status new (133 bugs, 40 features).
  • Landed updates on interaction test suites.
    • Makes them useful enough to ask people for tests when sending pull requests.
    • Added test suites to TestSwarm.
  • Working through ideas for styling indeterminate progressbars.

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Oct 29 2012

October 29, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Attending: mikesherov, gnarf, gibson042, timmywil, petro
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

jQuery 1.8.3 – Cancelled due to complexity and lack of serious bugs

Per discussion last week, jQuery 1.9 in a branch, 2.0 will be master

botio is dead, gnarf is moving to use mergatron

Deprecate $(html, props)? (leave for now but document that it sucks)

  • whine whine whine but i like it
  • the problem is the creating of attributes mostly
  • plus the other special cases (one element etc)

Create a tiny-plugin or one-liner repo?

1.9 voting – triaged all tickets during the meeting, YAY!!

— post-meeting notes –

jQuery 1.9 tix – need to jump on these and finish

Pull queue – whittling it down, about 14 left now

Speed tests, mikesherov to blow off the old stuff?

Assigned tickets

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Oct 25 2012

  • Attending: Todd Parker, John Bender, Jasper de Groot, Jason D Scott, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Gabriel Schulhof, Alex Schmitz

link Todd

  • DC summit was a great success
    • Made a lot of progress on docs, have new contributors to that team to help Anne including Patrick Ashamalla, Alicia Lippert, Robert Bosse, Mutlu Tevfik Koçak, Mike Auteri and others
    • New developers helping out after the conference including Alexander Schmitz, Keith Pepin, Jonah Schulte, Greg Franko and others
    • Ralph Whitbeck will be helping out with mobile developer relations
    • Coordination with UI team underway on the tab widget re-factor slated for 1.4 which will be a converged widget for UI and mobile
  • ThemeRoller maintenance to transition from Tyler Benziger to Rafael Xavier int he coming weeks. Rafael will start work on porting TR over to Node.js so it can service both UI and Mobile
  • Work has started on 1.3 features for responsive design features
    • Key finding: baking CSS media queries (breakpoints) into our structure CSS will cause a lot of maintenance issues and prevent easy customization. We’re leaning towards providing copy/paste styles for common scenarios in demos and docs but not shipping this CSS as part of the library because these must be tuned to the content/layout/design of each site. Focus on education and demos. Simple example: if a site has a left nav that is 300px wide, our breakpoints won’t make sense because they would have been written with a full-width layout.
    • Responsive data tables - prototyping two modes: column chooser and stack to label/value pairs at narrow widths. https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/5093
    • Looking to add more real-world demos, like this Backbone example

link John Bender

  • Code review(s)
  • Started integration of nav work
    • surprise! odd behavior from replaceState in chrome
    • long haul
  • Putting off the containers work until next release it looks like

link Jasper de Groot

  • working on new docs in local branch; just plain code, layout can be added later suggest following structure:
    • About: Intro/Overview, Features, Accessibility, Supported platforms
    • Quick start guide
    • link to online API docs
    • Demos & Test suite dynamically create “view source” (Jasper) suggestion: don’t categorize by widget because demos can combine widgets, but use keyword tags
  • worked on slider full width; will open the PR this week after testing https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/5045
  • after that I will work on rewriting validStyle() and transform3dTest() to make transitions work in IE10 (CSS changes are ready)
  • could do a lot of triage because of the help of Alex!
  • suggest cleaning up branches
  • suggest theme CSS cleanup:
    • remove .ui-btn-corner-? classes except .ui-btn-corner-all (we don’t use them)
    • remove -moz prefixed border-radius rules from theme css

link Anne-Gaelle Colom

  • A few PRs from the summit (hopefully some of the people we met at the will continue to contribute, some did)
  • Tidying up API docs

link Gabriel Schulhof

link Ghislain Seguin

  • Summit, way cool - Bender we missed you
  • Reviewing gfranko’s backbone / requirejs example
  • Where are we at on the UI / Mobile convergence? I can help with that.

link Scott Jehl

  • working on responsive table widget. I’ve built a base widget and two extension modes: columntoggle and reflow. Columntoggle mode is better for dense data sets that need cross-column comparisons, while reflow is ideal for simpler tables, as all data is shown at all times, but it’s presented in different layouts.
  • Demos are in the “tables” branch, and up here: http://jquerymobile.com/branches/tables/docs/tables/
  • Also, Todd made a more stylized demo with sorting here: http://jquerymobile.com/branches/tables/docs/tables/stack-custom.html (nice work, Todd!)
  • Today I’m testing the table widget - so far, a11y is great on the reflow table. Duped labels are not read aloud in VoiceOver due to aria-hidden attributes

link Alexander Schmitz

  • Great to meet most of you at the summit and great to be on board!
  • Working on _workarounds extension for fixedToolbars to address variety of browser or platform specific issues with fixed position
  • Working on demos for using ui’s sortable and draggable
  • working on demo for turn by turn directions from current location using geolocation api
  • preparing for jQuery asia
  • Triage of stale issues!

link Jason Scott

  • Update the Sliding panels demo
  • Looking for JQM community (team members / dev relations / kick ass community leaders) based in APAC for a speaking role in November. Does anyone know someone?
  • UI and Performance enhancements to BlackBerry 10 Theme

Testing Team Meeting – Oct 25 2012

October 25, 2012

Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode

Attending: Jörn, Dave, Scott

Time: Noon ET


  • A few issues to review, mostly feature ideas


  • Create new browserSets for UI (no IE6) and Core 2.0 (no IE6, 7 and
  • Add IE10 and Safari 6


jQuery Core Team Meeting – Oct 22 2012

October 22, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Attending: mikesherov, gibson042, gnarf, saiwong, timmywil (45 min late!)
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

Commit privs for mikesherov & gibson042!

jQuery 1.8.3 – Wednesday?

  • based off pre-Summit commit
  • last call for must-have patches

Aftermath of Summit

Common standard for landing patches?

  • Check for new author, ask to sign CLA, add to AUTHORS.txt
  • rebase (possibly -i) on branch, then merge to master?
  • Message: “Fix #12345, short description of the ticket. Close gh-123.”

Authors file

Promise/J – diff between our implementation and Promise/A

  • Make .then() Promise/A compliant but leave the rest as-is?
  • Need a thorough article on Promise semantics

New speed tests?

  • Blow away the junk currently in /speed, based on Slickspeed (2008)
  • New tests based on Timmy’s stuff

jQuery 1.9 changes (start of the 1.9 upgrade guide)

1.9 voting – VOTE – next week we will discuss voted tix

Assigned tickets

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Oct 11 2012

  • Attending: Todd Parker, John Bender, Jasper de Groot, Jason D Scott, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Gabriel Schulhof

link Todd

  • Preparing for the DC session this week is the main focus
    • Tables for docs, triage/bugs, and 1.3 features (responsive table, panels)
    • Table leads will update the wiki with details before the conference
  • We're carving out time to sit down with the UI team to start planning out the tab widget re-factor slated for 1.4 which will be a converged widget for UI and mobile

link John Bender

  • Navigate all the things
    • second approach is winning in my estimation
    • simple navigate event
    • $.navigate (name up for debate)
      • tracks history
      • smashes url with replace state where possible
      • supplements navigate event by adding storable state to hashchange through history tracking

link Jasper de Groot

  • flagged issues for DC summit:
    • label Dev summit + milestone 1.1.2: fixed toolbar and transition issues
    • label Dev summit + milestone 1.3: RWD tickets
  • will open new issues on dev-summit repo that link to those and give them a table label
    • table 13 Mobile Triage - change into Mobile RWD?
    • table 14 Mobile Bugs
  • still working on:

link Anne-Gaelle Colom

  • Completed listview (api docs)
  • added dismissable to popup options
  • Need to revert 34a32ee
  • Added a few articles to the resources page
  • Preparing todo list for DC (please everyone step in to add what needs documenting that is not a widget):
    • jQuery Mobile api docs
    • hashchange, controlgroup, degradeinputs, events, fieldcontain, grid, init, links, media, navigation,
    • widgets: header, footer, navbar, page loading widget
    • new logo, favicon
    • add missing examples to listview
    • add prefix to event types (in events) for all widgets. The rule is event type does not use prefix where we use trigger and not _trigger
    • change cdn to 1.2.0
    • general events that need to be documented outside of widget: position, virtual mouse events…
    • Fix FF bug (demo does not appear in automatically generated iframe with demo. Hand-made iframes are fine)

link Gabriel Schulhof

  • Messed around some more with returning focus to button after popup closes. Focus management on WP7 is a disaster.
  • Accepted PR for deactivating listview item link when such a link opens a popup
  • Writing unit test for latter, seeing strange behaviour: unit tests explode when I open one more popup
  • Do we cherry-pick new popup features into 1.2-stable?
  • Found an iOS bug (https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/5155)
  • Messed around with trying to visualize deps between files (dot sucks at it)

link Ghislain Seguin

link Jason Scott

  • Fixed issues related to the BlackBerry 10 theme
  • Heads up - New BlackBerry specific css properties for BB10
    • -webkit-overflow-scrolling: -blackberry-touch;
      • Same as -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch but adds over scroll even when the region doesn't need to scroll (bb10 style).
    • ext-overflow: -blackberry-fade;
      • text fades with a linear opacity gradient left to right