jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jun 23 2011

##Beta 1 - Identify any key issues or regressions

###vclick issue

###Blackberry 5

link Beta 2 - Planning and prioritization

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jun 21 2011

Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery

Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode

Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

jQuery 1.6.2 status

  • RC1 has had some bug closed and $.browser.chrome ready to pull, should we do an RC2?
  • DaveMethvin: it seems like 1.6.2 may be in good shape then? other than a peaceful queasy feeling?
  • Seems to be a no on RC2, pending John and Timmy’s input

Bug Triage Day: July 11th and 12th – Same day as ARIA Hackathon ( http://wiki.jqueryui.com/ARIA-Hackathon ), but no real overlap of people.  Could be useful to know UI team is at least available for questions.

  • July 11th – all day
  • July 12th – till 2:30pm
  • Project to vote on airfare for Timmy -> BOS

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jun 15 2011

Recent Progress


  • Adam: Finish widget factory documentation
  • Richard: Update docs XSLT based on outcome of meeting
  • Richard: Document one more widget in new XML format
  • Menu/menubar planning meeting: http://wiki.jqueryui.com/w/page/12137997/Menu
  • Pull request triage
  • jQuery 1.6.1 compatibility
  • Release 1.8.14

Still Open

  • Dan: Hotlinking issue with Themeswitcher
  • Dan: See if we should move swarm.jquery.org
  • Dan: Directory listings for view.jqueryui.com

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jun 13 2011

Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery

Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode

Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

jQuery 1.6.2 Status

  • We're getting the RC out today.

Talked with Closure Compiler team, they’re fixing bugs, should be good for the team

We’re working on dates for an upcoming bug triage day, possibly late June

Firefox version support moving forward

  • Mozilla has dropped support for 3.0 and 3.5, makes sense for us to do the same

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jun 08 2011

Recent Progress


  • Adam: Review Project Silk widget factory documentation
  • Richard: Update docs XSLT based on outcome of meeting
  • Richard: Document one more widget in new XML format
  • Scott G: Start reviewing spinner
  • Selectmenu planning meeting: http://wiki.jqueryui.com/w/page/12138056/Selectmenu
  • Pull request triage
  • jQuery 1.6.1 compatibility
  • Release 1.8.14

Still Open

  • JD: provide Jenkins-TestSwarm plugin
  • Dan: Hotlinking issue with Themeswitcher
  • Dan: See if we should move swarm.jquery.org
  • Dan: Directory listings for view.jqueryui.com

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jun 07 2011

##Navigation re-write status update

##Blockers for beta 1 - for discussion


###ChangePage() and Navigation paths refactor

###Double vclick - not an issue?

###Fixed? iOS scroll position history broken in A4

###AJAX requests broken due to incorrect host name

###Ajax in Chrome & Android

###Radiobuttons can't be selected once they are selected, then de-selected

###Radiobutton onchange event issues

###Change page CSS error

###Ajax off fixes

With Ajax off, we need to tweak all plugins that rely on Ajax. This needs to be done anyway because this feature cna always be turned off globally but we have some dependent plugins:

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jun 06 2011

Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery

Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode

Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

Collaboration with Google Closure Compiler

  • Chad Killinsworth (non-Google contributor) and Alan Leung (at Google) to join today’s meeting
  • goal:
    demonstrate mutual interest, thereby making better support of jQuery in
    advanced mode a priority for the Closure Compiler team

jQuery 1.6.2 Status

  • Keep on keepin’ on.

jQuery 1.7 Roadmap


Voting Results: