Testing Team Meeting – Apr 26 2011



  • Working with Jonathan Sharp and Chad Meyers on Jenkins integration

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 25 2011

Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery

Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode

Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 20 2011

Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Time: 2pm ET
NOTE: This meeting has been moved to Wednesday to avoid conflicts with the jQuery Conference.

Official Agenda:

Best way to merge Pull Requests?
jQuery commit commands
git checkout master
git checkout -b bug1234
git pull http://url/to/otherrepo branchname
git checkout master
git merge --no-commit --squash bug1234
git commit -a --author="Original Author <author@email.example>"
To get the author:
git log | grep "Author" | head -1

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Apr 20 2011

Recent progress


  • Create some public links to ui-git, perhaps on the wiki or an appropriate place (if we can find one) on jqueryui.com
  • Dan: fix dir listing on view.jqueryui.com
  • Dan: hotlinking issue with themeswitcher
  • Dan: look if we should move swarm.jquery.org elsewhere
  • Adam: finish widget factory documentation update
  • All: review tooltip animation
  • Jorn: create wiki page for popup/popout
  • Maggie: look into margin issue(s) in Menu
  • Scott: Announce Dialog API redesign after existing tickets review
  • Richard: API Documenation rework with new XML and new XSLT



  • All active discussion for jQuery UI Development will be in irc: #jqueryui-dev on freenode

Weekly Meetings

  • All future jQuery UI development weekly meetings will be in irc: #jquery-meeting on freenode. Wed. 12noon-1pm ET. See also, http://jquery.org/meeting for schedule and web irc client.

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 11 2011

Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

42 (timmywil): .closest() fails on disconnected nodes

  1. https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/291

46 (john): jQuery throwing error on replaceWith

52 (gf3, cowboy): Add Function.prototype.bind() support to jQuery.proxy

  1. https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/133

51 (danheberden): Support relative values for .css()

  1. https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/78 original
  2. We wanted to see this patch DRY’ed out a bit, but we discussed in meeting and determined that it would probably introduce overhead to share this code between modules, and it’s not that much repeated code.  consensus was in favour of landing as-is. Dan is going to clean up the code a bit more.
  3. https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/297

valHooks (the more modest version)?

  1. https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/295

    • John: Looks good to me!
  2. http://jsperf.com/jq152-vs-jq16pre-trigger/3

Bumped to 1.6.x / 1.7

20 (dmethvin): Attach data cache directly to element — In process, need to create separate list for global events.

  1. Eventually  (1.7?) we will only support firing ajax* events on document and remove global events entirely.
  2. http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/8792

45 (jboesch, reviewed by john): Make .width() work correctly for inputs

  1. http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/4146

  2. https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/253

    • John reviewed: Needs formatting fixes and possibly a code fix
  3. also fixes http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/3333 ?

Check it out: http://twitter.com/jqcommit

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 04 2011

Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Mar 28 2011

Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

  • 1.5.2 Blocker Status
    • http://bugs.jquery.com/report/205

    • Release on the 31st

    • Bugs:

      1. Firefox: uncaught exception at line 1285
    • Bug Triage on Wednesday (11am EST)

      • Adam, Rick, John, Ben all together in Boston, everyone else, please help from your internet (Julian is helping from the net)
    • jQuery 1.6 Status ( beta release of 1.6 on April 15th )

      • 2 (danheberden, jaubourg): Have .animate() implement a deferred object

      • 5 (jaubourg): Do support tests in an iframe document (or maybe use false body element)

      • 10 (dmethvin): Optimize RegExp used for innerHTML shortcut (#6782, pull 248)

      • 13 (john): Add :focus to Sizzle

      • 14 (rwaldron): Allow properties to be passed in to $.Event() constructor

      • 15 (dmethvin): Perf improvements for .data() events

      • 16 (danheberden): Optimize validation in parseJSON

      • 17 (rwaldron): Fix event firing order

      • 20 (dmethvin): Attach data cache directly to element

      • 21 (dmethvin): Refactor jQuery.event.trigger/handle

      • 22 (dmethvin): Issue with triggering of focusin – may be fixed by pull 260, need to check with Joern who reported a problem i couldn’t repro

      • 23 (timmywil): Allow .is(), .find(), and .closest() to accept nodes

        1. Pull request is ready
      • 31 (jaubourg): Synchronize animations based upon start time (Thunderdome!)

      • 34 (john): attrHooks

        1. http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/3685 DOM0, Prehistoric document.forms API issue
        2. https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/attrhooks-bugs
      • 36 (lrbabe): Use requestAnimationFrame *Special attention to optimizing size

      • 38 (danheberden): $.map() working on objects

      • 39 (rwaldron): .undelegate() doesn’t work on custom namespaced events

      • 42 (timmywil): .closest() fails on disconnected nodes

      • 45 (john): Make .width() work correctly for inputs

      • 46 (john): jQuery throwing error on replaceWith

      • 51 (ajpiano): Support relative values for .css()

      • 52 (gf3, cowboy): Add Function.prototype.bind() support to jQuery.proxy

    • New feature requests: will not be landed for 1.6

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Mar 21 2011

Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

  • 1.5.2 Blocker Status
    • http://bugs.jquery.com/report/205

    • RC on the 24th

    • Release on the 31st

    • Bugs:

      1. $(‘:text’) should match <input> since `type=text` is the implied default (john)
      2. .is(“div”) fails on disconnected elements in IE9 (john)
      3. [ firefox] jquery >= 1.5 won’t work with flowplayer tooltip (dmethvin)
      4. Also: http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/8316
    • jQuery 1.6 Status

      • 2 (danheberden, jaubourg): Have .animate() implement a deferred object

      • 5 (jaubourg): Do support tests in an iframe document (or maybe use false body element)

      • 10 (dmethvin): Optimize RegExp used for innerHTML shortcut (#6782, pull 248)

      • 13 (john): Add :focus to Sizzle

      • 14 (rwaldron): Allow properties to be passed in to $.Event() constructor

      • 15 (dmethvin): Perf improvements for .data() events

      • 16 (danheberden): Optimize validation in parseJSON

      • 17 (rwaldron): Fix event firing order

      • 20 (dmethvin): Attach data cache directly to element

      • 21 (dmethvin): Refactor jQuery.event.trigger/handle

      • 22 (dmethvin): Issue with triggering of focusin – may be fixed by pull 260, need to check with Joern who reported a problem i couldn’t repro

      • 23 (timmywil): Allow .is(), .find(), and .closest() to accept nodes

        1. A solution for find has been found, closest is coming along
      • 31 (jaubourg): Synchronize animations based upon start time (Thunderdome!)

      • 34 (john): attrHooks

        1. http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/3685 DOM0, Prehistoric document.forms API issue
        2. https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/attrhooks-bugs
      • 36 (lrbabe): Use requestAnimationFrame *Special attention to optimizing size

      • 38 (danheberden): $.map() working on objects

      • 39 (rwaldron): .undelegate() doesn’t work on custom namespaced events

      • 42 (timmywil): .closest() fails on disconnected nodes

      • 45 (john): Make .width() work correctly for inputs

      • 46 (john): jQuery throwing error on replaceWith

      • 51 (ajpiano): Support relative values for .css()

      • 52 (gf3, cowboy): Add Function.prototype.bind() support to jQuery.proxy

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Mar 14 2011

Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

  • 1.5.2 Blocker Status

    • Delayed discussion until next week
  • jQuery 1.6 Roadmap

    • https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AuWerG7Xqt-8dDcwNUlSaWltOWJrNE5tOUlIbkVJbGc&hl=en&authkey=CIjOo7UK#gid=0

    • Be sure to land this in branches

      1. Will be pulled into core after 1.5.2 is out
    • A: Solid agreement, with owner or pull request:

      1. 2 (danheberden, jaubourg): Have .animate() implement a deferred object
      2. 5 (jaubourg): Do support tests in an iframe document (or maybe use false body element)
      3. 10 (dmethvin): Optimize RegExp used for innerHTML shortcut (#6782, pull 248)
      4. 13 (john): Add :focus to Sizzle
      5. 14 (rwaldron): Allow properties to be passed in to $.Event() constructor
      6. 15 (dmethvin): Perf improvements for .data() events
      7. 16 (danheberden): Optimize validation in parseJSON
      8. 17 (rwaldron): Fix event firing order
      9. 20 (dmethvin): Attach data cache directly to element
      10. 21 (dmethvin): Refactor jQuery.event.trigger/handle
      11. 22 (dmethvin): Issue with triggering of focusin – may be fixed by pull 260, need to check with Joern who reported a problem i couldn’t repro
      12. 23 (timmywil): Allow .is(), .find(), and .closest() to accept nodes
      13. 31 (lrbabe and/or gnarf and/or jaubourg): Synchronize animations based upon start time (Thunderdome!)
      14. 34 (john): attrHooks
      15. 36 (lrbabe): Use requestAnimationFrame *Special attention to optimizing size
      16. 38 (danheberden): $.map() working on objects
      17. 39 (rwaldron): .undelegate() doesn’t work on custom namespaced events
      18. 42 (timmywil): .closest() fails on disconnected nodes
      19. 45 (john): Make .width() work correctly for inputs
      20. 46 (john): jQuery throwing error on replaceWith
      21. 51 (ajpiano): Support relative values for .css()
      22. 52 (gf3, cowboy): Add Function.prototype.bind() support to jQuery.proxy
    • Good, but requires more discussion for potential 1.6 inclusion:

      1. 3 (jaubourg): Add chaining to promisHes
      2. 7: Solution for HTML 5 in IE
      3. 25 (timmywil): Add .valHooks
    • Tabled until 1.7:

      1. 6: Expose the data conversion interface from $.ajax()
      2. 11: Comprehensive and official support of file:
      3. 37: Use the same event object when bubbling native events, or preserve data relative to the event.
    • How was the decision made:

      1. Virtually all green = Solid Agreement
      2. Majority green = Mixed agreement
      3. Majority red / little green = Rejected

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Mar 07 2011

Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda: