- Ticket triage
- 422 tickets total, +0
- 16 pull requests, -3
- Checkboxradio
- Checkboxradio icons are broken inside dialogs
- https://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/14955
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/pull/1712
- Merged
- Controlgroup
- Controlgroup with only one element does not get correct rounded corners
- https://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/14972
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/pull/1711
- Ready to merge
- Dialog
- Shrinks on move in Chrome 51
- https://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/14978
- Already fixed in the 1.12.0 pre-releases
- Image optimization
Author Archives: builder
Chassis Team Meeting – Jun 07 2016
- Buttons: Removed underline from link buttons on hover
- CLA Matched, Everyone to review.
- Please Review
- Documentation: Add note about running Grunt tests to README.md
- Wait for CLA Valid before pulling in
- [WIP] Tables: Table styling
- Wait for changes from kristyjy
- Style guide
- New Component: Inputs
- Wait for CLA fix and then merge into a branch
- Please Review
- New Components: Modal
- Wait for CLA fix and then merge into a branch
- Please Review
- Notifications: Styling
- Wait for CLA fix and then merge into a branch
- Please Review
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jun 06 2016
Attending: timmywil, m_gol, jbedard, gibson042, markelog
link TSC grouping
- Which projects do we collaborate (or want to collaborate) with most?
- https://github.com/jquery-foundation/CB
- Goals of TSC/CB: https://github.com/jquery-foundation/CB/issues/3
link PRs
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/3096 offset: relative to doc
- Needs followup
link 3.0
- Mobile breakages
- Mobile depends on $.event.props https://irc.jquery.org/%23jquery-dev/default_%23jquery-dev_20160602.log.html#t13:32:42
link 3.0 Upgrade Guide
- https://jquery.com/upgrade-guide/3.0/
- Need an addition to https://jquery.com/upgrade-guide/ landing page
link Migrate
- 3.0.0
link Browserstack can drop their dedicated IE6 machine
jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jun 02 2016
- Ticket Triage:
- 192 tickets (-6)
- 8 pull requests (+0)
link 1.5.0
- 1.5 blockers
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22Priority%3A+Blocker%22+milestone%3A1.5.0
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/8428
- cgack started looking into it, probably shouldn't be a blocker at this point without a rushed fix that may not be ideal
- Core
- Core git is causing 3/4 of mobile tests to fail
- Selectmenu
- needs updates
- Gabriel working on it
- needs updates
- Phantom 2.x
- look into upgrading to get more stable tests
- pr is failing ( issue is the one above with core git )
- apsedehal working on it
- look into upgrading to get more stable tests
- Demos
- fix remaining demos issues
- still WIP
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/8245
- no-update
- fix remaining demos issues
- Docs
- Cory just started looking at api docs for navbar (still just getting started as of 2 June)
- no progress
- Cory just started looking at api docs for navbar (still just getting started as of 2 June)
- Panel
- Dismissible: Discussion on how data-dismissible attribute should be handled in general.
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/7036
- Bug re opened
- Dismissible: Discussion on how data-dismissible attribute should be handled in general.
- listview refresh
- does not handle icons
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/8334
- bug. Gabriel working on it
- need to test icons in refresh
- does not handle icons
jQuery Content Team Meeting – Jun 02 2016
- Ticket Triage: 272 (issues +PR) (-2)
- Attending : Connor, Aurelio, Anne
link Content
- Weekly meetings
- https://github.com/jquery/api.jquery.com/issues/364
- Completed
- https://github.com/jquery/learn.jquery.com/issues/642
- PR prepared. Awaiting feedback from gnarf
- https://github.com/jquery/learn.jquery.com/issues/658
- PR started, need to review myself and get feedback
- https://github.com/jquery/learn.jquery.com/issues/711
- Not sure where we want to go with this
- Discussed Proposal and technical details
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mWBIpoN4ZU9vGRKP3vG_Zze0lsoWD6QiN3RNUQhps1g/edit
- Discussed database details and UI
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mWBIpoN4ZU9vGRKP3vG_Zze0lsoWD6QiN3RNUQhps1g/edit
- Learning Center:
- Is there an issue with CLA checker?
- https://github.com/jquery/learn.jquery.com/pull/714 did not get checked.
- Is there an issue with CLA checker?
- API sites:
- Working on a new navigation
- API PRs that need reviewing:
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jun 01 2016
- Ticket triage
- 422 tickets total, +0
- 19 pull requests, -1
- Checkboxradio
- Checkboxradio icons are broken inside dialogs
- https://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/14955
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/pull/1712
- Controlgroup
- Labels get re-wrapped during refresh
- Refresh breaks spinner
- Overwrites user's
option value - Controlgroup with only one element does not get correct rounded corners
- Image optimization
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/pull/1710
- Historically didn't allow optimizations for theme images because of alpha channel problems in ThemeRoller
- Should no longer be an issue with updated browser support
- Release
- One more RC after the last two bugs are fixed
Chassis Team Meeting – May 31 2016
- Documentation: Add note about running Grunt tests to README.md
- Few wording changes done?
- [WIP] Tables: Table styling
- Add full width version
- Style guide
- Notifications and modals currently being worked on
- New Component: Inputs
- Please review
- Sfrisk to put on views.css-chassis.com (once cla issues resolved)
- New Components: Modal
- Please review
- Sfrisk to put on views.css-chassis.com (once cla issues resolved)
- Notifications: Styling
- Adjust colors to match buttons
- Remove external theme for showing code
- Please review
- Sfrisk to put on views.css-chassis.com (once cla issues resolved)
- Accessibility testing
- Good to pull in, but needs some master merging help (asrchmitz)
jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – May 26 2016
- Ticket Triage:
- 198 tickets (-33)
- 8 pull requests (+0)
link 1.5.0
- 1.5 blockers
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22Priority%3A+Blocker%22+milestone%3A1.5.0
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/8428
- cgack started looking into it, probably shouldn't be a blocker at this point without a rushed fix that may not be ideal
- Selectmenu
- ready for review (again)
- Phantom 2.x
- look into upgrading to get more stable tests
- pr is failing
- apsedehal working on it
- look into upgrading to get more stable tests
- Demos
- fix remaining demos issues
- still WIP
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/8245
- no-update
- fix remaining demos issues
- Docs
- Cory just started looking at api docs for navbar
- Panel
- Dismissible: Discussion on how data-dismissible attribute should be handled in general.
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/7036
- Bug re opened
- Dismissible: Discussion on how data-dismissible attribute should be handled in general.
- listview refresh
- does not handle icons
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/8334
- bug. Gabriel working on it
- does not handle icons
Chassis Team Meeting – May 24 2016
- Documentation: Add note about running Grunt tests to README.md
- Few wording changes done?
- [WIP] Tables: Table styling
- Add full width version
- Style guide
- Notifications and modals currently being worked on
- Accessibility testing
- Good to pull in, but needs some master merging help
jQuery Core Team Meeting – May 23 2016
Attending: timmywil, markelog, m_gol, gibson042
link 1.12.4, 2.2.4, and 3.0.0-rc1 released!
- Migrate 1.4.1 and 3.0.0-rc1 also released
- 3.0 final to be released after 2 weeks of RC
link 1.12-stable & 2.2-stable
- No more updates that aren’t at blocker priority
link 3.0 Upgrade Guide
- https://jquery.com/upgrade-guide/3.0/
- Need an addition to https://jquery.com/upgrade-guide/ landing page
link 3.0 in popular frameworks/libraries
- Angular good
- Bootstrap checked (PR submitted)
- Ember?
link Migrate
- 3.0.0
link Drop yandex from Sizzle
link Allow Browserstack to drop dedicated IE6 machine next week
- This means stopping testing it in Core on 1.x-stable and in Sizzle on master