- Document usage with React JSX?
- 0.4.1 release
- Scott is working on updating the README during releases
- https://github.com/jquery/PEP/issues/249
- jquery-release doesn’t provide a hook to perform this task at the current time
- Will just update the README manually for this release
- Scott is working on updating the README during releases
Author Archives: builder
Testing Team Meeting – Jan 13 2016
- event-emitter:
- currently stalled (missing dedicated time)
- needs to detach node grunt process to another PR
- needs to complete PR with events details
- deprecation warnings:
- PR on the go, with a list of all deprecations: https://github.com/jquery/qunit/pull/918
- still need some work
- needs discussion: deprecate QUnit.reset?; expose warning method?; etc
- also look at the expected argument deprecation https://github.com/jquery/qunit/pull/885
- before/after PR:
- https://github.com/jquery/qunit/pull/919
- needs docs
- needs code review
- contributors and members:
- Mixed is helping a lot, it's good to call him for more contributions.
- Raphamorim expressed a will to contribute frequently, needs some guidance on code style and current issues.
- Let's try async meetings on emails?
- QUnit release
- testing and releasing a new version (patch/minor?) before the before/afer PR
- main reason: time. I (Leo) don't want to wait so long between releases. It's also easier to detect regressions.
- js-reporter: needs update
- node-qunit: needs update
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jan 13 2016
- Ticket triage
- 403 tickets total, +0
- 27 pull requests, -1
- Datepicker
- Felix working on accessibility issues
- Need to figure out how to handle multi-month calendars
- Upgrade Guide, API docs
- Just
- Just
- 1.12.0-beta.1
- Need to deploy new API site
- Download Builder is ready for release
- Changelog is finished
Chassis Team Meeting – Jan 12 2016
- Build: Upgrade JSCS
- Pull in as is
- Build: add accessibility testing
- Merge Conflict with master, need to test with current master status
- sfrisk is working on merging this in with current master
- Discussed that a designer may be useful in helping come up with an overall design guide.
- Style Guide: Initial commit of SCSS style guide
- come up a list of the CSS items we want to add to the CSS style guide
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jan 11 2016
Attending: timmywil, DaveMethvin, markelog, m_gol
link 2.2/1.12 released!
- The internet hasn’t blown up. Yay!
- 1.12/2.2 docs merged
- migrate status? Needs a release for 1.12/2.2.
link Sizzle update committed to jQuery
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/commit/5c4be05d3b32456553dc944853b77fa96ae8b2b8
- Enabled ASCII-only in uglify to prevent the need for charset when loading .min.js
link show/hide progress
One blocker left without a PR: https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/2710
link $.when + progress
- Assigned to Dave
link Migrate
link Issues needing review
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/2796 closest context
- What’s the proposed docs change here?
link PRs
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/2737 Deferred exceptions
- Add note to blog post about exception plugin
- https://github.com/dmethvin/jquery-deferred-reporter
link Branches
compat removed!
Another review of tickets/PRs with a 3.0.0 milestone that might need moving to 1.12/2.2 to be done by m_gol
link Current failures on master
- None
PEP Team Meeting – Jan 07 2016
- Polyfill
- https://github.com/jquery/PEP/pull/233
- Waiting on Jacob’s review
- Launch/detect ChromeDriver automatically for tests
- https://github.com/jquery/PEP/pull/245
- Alex to look into issues
- Suppress boundary events during capture
- https://github.com/jquery/PEP/pull/195
- Landed in master
- Filed separate issue for what happens after capture is released and the pointer is over a different element
- Still need to release 0.4.1 with Firefox fix
- Need to ramp up W3C test automation so we can drop the unit tests
jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jan 07 2016
- Ticket Triage:
- 276 tickets (+2)
- 35 pull requests (+2)
link 1.5.0
- jQuery UI
- released beta
- Blog Post
- release info blog post planned for monday
- ie drop tuesday
- Selectmenu
- still using deprecated pagehide in page
- going to buy down and leave for now
- still using deprecated pagehide in page
- Table
- waiting on updates from cgack
- Panel
- PR from apsedhel
- waiting on review
- PR from apsedhel
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jan 06 2016
- Ticket triage
- 403 tickets total, +5
- 28 pull requests, -0
- Datepicker
- Felix working on accessibility issues
- Need to figure out how to handle multi-month calendars
- Upgrade Guide, API docs
- Just
- Just
- stage.api.
- Stage site is fixed
- 1.12.0-beta.1
- Actual release happend in December
- Need to deploy new API site
- Need to update download builder
- Need to finish changelog
- Trac
- Working through email configuration
- Need to make sure team members are notified for all changes
- Drop IE8 support?
- Yes; drop IE8, IE9, IE10
Project Leads Meeting – Jan 06 2016
Attending: Timmy, Sarah, Scott, Leo, Alex, Dylan
link Core
- Blog post draft for 1.12/2.2
- 1.12 almost ready (should finish up today). 2.2 is ready.
- New Sizzle release! Will go in 3.0.
- 3.0 still slated for January 12.
link UI
- Finishing up 1.12.0-beta.1 release
- Actual release is done
- Upgrade guide is done
- Blog post is ready
- Finishing up changelog
- Need to update download builder
- Need to deploy new API site
link Mobile
- Not much progress over holiday
- Finishing blog post for status update on project before beta is ready
- plan to release a day or 2 after ui beta is announced
- Several new contributors popping up over the last month
link Chassis
- Phase One Completion Date of March 8th
- Winter Wrap Up: cleaned up all currently open PRs, closed all old PRs/out of date PRs, followed up on items. Figuring out which issues are now available for people to work.
- Should be pulling in the accessibility testing PR in today
link QUnit
- New active contributor (@mixed) is helping on small issues
- deepEqual is being reviewed and might be reformed
- https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/12756
- https://github.com/jquery/qunit/issues/914
- https://github.com/jquery/qunit/issues/915
- https://github.com/jquery/qunit/issues/865
- https://github.com/jquery/qunit/issues/895 (fixed)
- https://github.com/jquery/qunit/issues/905 (closed)
- https://github.com/jquery/qunit/issues/912 (closed)
- Leo joined TC39 org on Github (write access on test262 project)
- Testing meetings not working well on IRC (trying email on 2016's Q1)
link PEP
- Nothing over the holidays
- Webkit touch action!!
- not as good as it sounds yet
link Globalize
- No update
link Dojo
- Dylan's holiday mornings: https://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticketgraph
- Yesterday's Dojo meeting: https://github.com/dojo/meta/blob/master/design-meetings/2016-01-05.md
- 1.11-rc1 planned for end of January or early February
- 2.x is ongoing, lots of design documents and dev underway
- Need to finish the blog post about progress over the holidays
- Had a few new contributors for 2.x for the first time
- dgrid… planning a 1.0 release this month (maybe end of this week even)
link Intern
- Working on a handful of open issues
- Colin has been working on a TypeScript refactor as a possible 4.0 release.
link Board
- No update
Chassis Team Meeting – Jan 05 2016
Attending: sfrisk, arschmitz
Winter Wrap Up: The Pull Request Edition Part 2
- Variables: Initial pass on button variables
- basic pass on buttons with placeholder colors, covers sizes and colors
- merge into a branch to show on views.css-chassis.com for next week
- Build: Upgrade JSCS
- need to add Indentation validation
- [WIP] Add jsass variables to typography
- It's been almost 2 months since an update, still unfinished. Close this and let someone else work on it.
- [WIP] table styling
- It's been almost 2 months since an update, still unfinished. Close this and let someone else work on it.
- Progress and Meter styling
- geekman-rohit currently working on this
- Build: add accessibility testing
- Merge Conflict with master, need to test with current master status
- sfrisk is working on merging this in with current master